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RESIDENT EVIL: Distant Memories (WIP Mod)

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    Extremely sexy zombie textures. If I may suggest one improvement: don't triangulate the result, try using quads (or keep them) as much as possible, as triangles tend to consume a lot more resources.
    I don't think I'm going to really touch them anymore... well maybe the textures a little but I can't be arsed. This really demotivated me even further.(and I'm referring to the mod, not you Gemini)
    Last edited by -Rusty-; 06-21-2014, 08:45 PM.


    • #92
      Well this just fucking sucks. I was really looking forward to this mod.

      Also, Mortician is pretty much laughable right now. He criticized IGAS for 1.5 being unfaithful, and went on to create his own mod for it...then lost interest and moved onto something better.

      Selfish kid. If he just released this tool to create custom room masks the world would be a better place, survival horror would be reborn, whatever.
      Last edited by Chris' Boob; 06-21-2014, 11:34 AM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
        Well this just fucking sucks. I was really looking forward to this mod.

        Also, Mortician is pretty much laughable right now. He criticized IGAS for 1.5 being unfaithful, and went on to create his own mod for it...then lost interest and moved onto something better.

        Selfish kid. If he just released this tool to create custom room masks the world would be a better place, survival horror would be reborn, whatever.
        The intention was too port the data...Morti did that, it was some others who wanted too make it into a complete mod. As for the tool known as Pri-Edit he did release it...think it was when some little ass was calling the content fake? So the tool became public domain so anyone could use it so as you said it would be a better place.

        One note....because the mod is as people say 'dead' doesn't mean the info gathered and knowledge we got from working from DM has gone too waste...


        • #94
          Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
          Also, Mortician is pretty much laughable right now. He criticized IGAS for 1.5 being unfaithful, and went on to create his own mod for it...then lost interest and moved onto something better.
          Never felt I had any issues with that guy before, but he recently made some pretty amazing misquotations on the new hacking boards (thanks to everyone who linked me to that good read, by the way) of a rather one-sided PM exchange that took place some time ago, as his contributions to a conversation where someone else made some fantastic PM claims too

          Originally posted by DXP View Post
          As for the tool known as Pri-Edit he did release it...think it was when some little ass was calling the content fake? So the tool became public domain so anyone could use it so as you said it would be a better place.
          To be fair, regardless of whether or not this tool does as advertised, the pictures that were first released, the ones people called fake, were indeed fake. You didn't exactly have to be part of CSI, NSA, CTU or whatever to see those were poorly thrown together mock ups that utilized masks in the completely different resolution to what the rest of the picture originally had (heck, the aliasing on the 3D characters didn't even match up with the masks). There's no shame in admitting to that. Even AAA devs release bullshots all the time.

          Originally posted by -Rusty- View Post
          I don't think I'm going to really touch them anymore... well maybe the textures a little but I can't be arsed. This really demotivated me even further.
          Why is it demotivating? He gave some pretty nice praise and constructive feedback.


          • #95
            To be fair, regardless of whether or not this tool does as advertised, the pictures that were first released, the ones people called fake, were indeed fake. You didn't exactly have to be part of CSI, NSA, CTU or whatever to see those were poorly thrown together mock ups that utilized masks in the completely different resolution to what the rest of the picture originally had (heck, the aliasing on the 3D characters didn't even match up with the masks). There's no shame in admitting to that. Even AAA devs release bullshots all the time.
            Sorry too burst your bubble but those were not fake....nothing has been from this team nor will it....dare I say unlike another 'teams' work?


            • #96
              Originally posted by DXP View Post
              Sorry too burst your bubble but those were not fake....nothing has been from this team nor will it....dare I say unlike another 'teams' work?
              Here's the picture set I'm referring to, along with someone doing a pretty straight forward breakdown of the basic problem with them.

              If those were real, the fact that you managed to increase the allocated space/base resolution for masks would've been a slightly more headline worthy and eyebrow raising news story than the masks themselves. Although I'd be happy to be proven wrong, given the rather major breakthrough that actually is, something tells me that if someone uses the tools you've released to make their own rooms ... they wouldn't for some reason be able to make masks at that same resolution as those first pics you guys released. ;D


              • #97
                Originally posted by -Rusty- View Post
                I don't think I'm going to really touch them anymore... well maybe the textures a little but I can't be arsed. This really demotivated me even further.
                Don't feel demotivated, you really don't need to. The outcome is still solid good and I'm sure those models can be useful to those willing to implement them as-is or in some other way (automatic+manual untriangulation should be easy enough to apply). I see you even have a zombie that looks like a chef, which is an idea I wanted to have in BTM since I saw similar zombie types in RE0.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • #98
                  Guess you're right... tool was released a year ago. I haven't looked into it but I thought it would have made a bigger impact in the community... weird.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    Why is it demotivating? He gave some pretty nice praise and constructive feedback.
                    Sorry, that was in regards to the mod no longer being continued.


                    • EDIT: Sorry this was meant to be an edited post.

                      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      Don't feel demotivated, you really don't need to. The outcome is still solid good and I'm sure those models can be useful to those willing to implement them as-is or in some other way (automatic+manual untriangulation should be easy enough to apply). I see you even have a zombie that looks like a chef, which is an idea I wanted to have in BTM since I saw similar zombie types in RE0.
                      That's another reason I released the models and textures because I wanted people to have access to them if they didn't have the ability to make their own. If anyone want's to edit the model themselves they can do it, I'm not going to touch them anymore except for maybe texture tweaks but I'm not sure about that yet either. As for the chef, it is inspired from the zombie in RE0.
                      Last edited by -Rusty-; 06-21-2014, 08:52 PM.


                      • But what about all the dickwagging over there about how distant memories was gonna be a true faithful survival horror unlike IGAS' 1.5??


                        • so is this game canned already ? if so , that didn't take long lol.
                          oh well good luck with any thing in the future.


                          Oh and also if anyone else on here is thinking about making there own resident evil game via modding DON'T BOTHER SHOWING US if your not going to finish it or at least have some sort of playable demo.

                          Last edited by chrisliam2; 06-30-2014, 07:18 AM. Reason: People can never finish a fecking MOD !!!


                          • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                            so is this game canned already ? if so , that didn't take long lol.
                            oh well good luck with any thing in the future.


                            Oh and also if anyone else on here is thinking about making there own resident evil game via modding DON'T BOTHER SHOWING US if your not going to finish it or at least have some sort of playable demo.

                            I Second That!!!!!


                            • There was a "playable" version but a lot of it was just the new rooms on top of the old room geometry. They(Mortician and DXP) did started switching them over to the new geometry as well as fixed transparency issues but that's as far as it got I think. Some of that was in the trailer video.

                              I barely got any updates from them in regards to it except for being told "it's still being worked on". I wasn't involved in the coding or mapping parts so there wasn't much I could do.

                              Another thing, I was never a part of the elitist bullshit/dick waving and that wasn't just coming from our side either. Me and some others were not part of the conflict. I feel like some of you want to rub it in our faces that the mod failed just because of two people you don't get along with. Again, to those who were interested in the mod I'm sorry we let you down.

                              Anyways it's over and done. I'd rather hear more about the Behind the Mask mod anyways since I've always wanted to see Ark Thompson used as a character again.


                              • Originally posted by -Rusty- View Post
                                There was a "playable" version but a lot of it was just the new rooms on top of the old room geometry. They(Mortician and DXP) did started switching them over to the new geometry as well as fixed transparency issues but that's as far as it got I think. Some of that was in the trailer video.

                                I barely got any updates from them in regards to it except for being told "it's still being worked on". I wasn't involved in the coding or mapping parts so there wasn't much I could do.

                                Another thing, I was never a part of the elitist bullshit/dick waving and that wasn't just coming from our side either. Me and some others were not part of the conflict. I feel like some of you want to rub it in our faces that the mod failed just because of two people you don't get along with. Again, to those who were interested in the mod I'm sorry we let you down.

                                Anyways it's over and done. I'd rather hear more about the Behind the Mask mod anyways since I've always wanted to see Ark Thompson used as a character again.
                                Rusty I have nothing but the up-most respect for you.

