What is this?
This is a sub-forum dedicated to the on-going movie projects at REFanFilms.com. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments in here or simply make a new thread in this sub-forum.
Who are REFanFilms?
REFanFilms is short for Resident Evil Fan Films and is a group of movie makers (ranging from actors to technicians), mainly fronted by fronted by Jerome Chagnon (better known to most as imacwesker here on The Horror is Alive or simply as Wesker - the webmaster of Survivhor.)
For a full list of cast & crew members of REFanFilms, and their active projects, along with a brief introduction and mention of some of their past ventures, please see the Cast & Crew List.
What are REFanFilms currently working on?
REFanFilms currently has two active/publicly announced projects. The first is their 1.5 Movie Trailer project, which aims to create a live action movie trailer based on the unreleased prototype version of the game that evt. got scrapped, redesign, and turned into the early 1998 video game release Resident Evil 2. Lots of footage for the trailer has been shot, but it'll all ultimately be edited and cut down to a trailer length feature, which will be released this coming Halloween.
Their other movie project is called Patient Zero and will be a short film set in the Resident Evil universe, putting light on their interpretation of the creation of the very first zombie.
Sounds awesome! Can I help?
Yes! In fact, there are many ways for you to help!
1. Help spread the word! The more the merrier!
2. Donate! Making movie productions is hard work!
3. Like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!
4. Become a recognized project affiliate and supporter!
5. Help translate their productions into language that aren't English, French, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Hungarian, or Italian! Those are the languages currently covered for their movie projects, but if you're an experienced and professional translator, one who who doesn't mind doing a few pieces of quick 'n' free charity labor, by all means consider getting in touch with them and give a hand when the time is drawing near.
This is a sub-forum dedicated to the on-going movie projects at REFanFilms.com. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments in here or simply make a new thread in this sub-forum.
Who are REFanFilms?
REFanFilms is short for Resident Evil Fan Films and is a group of movie makers (ranging from actors to technicians), mainly fronted by fronted by Jerome Chagnon (better known to most as imacwesker here on The Horror is Alive or simply as Wesker - the webmaster of Survivhor.)
For a full list of cast & crew members of REFanFilms, and their active projects, along with a brief introduction and mention of some of their past ventures, please see the Cast & Crew List.
What are REFanFilms currently working on?
REFanFilms currently has two active/publicly announced projects. The first is their 1.5 Movie Trailer project, which aims to create a live action movie trailer based on the unreleased prototype version of the game that evt. got scrapped, redesign, and turned into the early 1998 video game release Resident Evil 2. Lots of footage for the trailer has been shot, but it'll all ultimately be edited and cut down to a trailer length feature, which will be released this coming Halloween.
Their other movie project is called Patient Zero and will be a short film set in the Resident Evil universe, putting light on their interpretation of the creation of the very first zombie.
Sounds awesome! Can I help?
Yes! In fact, there are many ways for you to help!
1. Help spread the word! The more the merrier!
2. Donate! Making movie productions is hard work!
3. Like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!
4. Become a recognized project affiliate and supporter!
5. Help translate their productions into language that aren't English, French, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Hungarian, or Italian! Those are the languages currently covered for their movie projects, but if you're an experienced and professional translator, one who who doesn't mind doing a few pieces of quick 'n' free charity labor, by all means consider getting in touch with them and give a hand when the time is drawing near.