Soon I'm planning to list some Biohazard/Resident Evil tidbits on ebay, and I think some around the site would like to know what's up for sale, and at the same time I'd like to draw attention to the auctions. I don't want to be crass about it and spam it everywhere, so I'm just asking, where should I post Resident Evil/Biohazard related auctions of mine, and not really annoy people?
Soon I'm planning to list some Biohazard/Resident Evil tidbits on ebay, and I think some around the site would like to know what's up for sale, and at the same time I'd like to draw attention to the auctions. I don't want to be crass about it and spam it everywhere, so I'm just asking, where should I post Resident Evil/Biohazard related auctions of mine, and not really annoy people?