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RE4 Spanish Translation Project

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  • RE4 Spanish Translation Project

    Hello guys, Since we seem to have so many members who are willing and able to help out in this, I figured we'd make this as public as possible to help coordinate and discuss accuracy in a fair and open environment

    I'll be posting some videos soon which I need translated into English. All members who help out here will get credit for their help when the videos are posted.

    I want to say that I greatly appreciate you guys help and enthusiasm for this, it won't be forgotten

  • #2
    yay!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna be part of the translation team!!! hahaha

    Love to be helpful!!!


    • #3
      It is bad that I dont know spanish at all. But if you ever gonna need to translate something from russian you can ask me to help anytime.
      Last edited by Nomad9026; 05-29-2008, 05:36 AM.
      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


      • #4
        YAY!! Let the videos roll! Now we'll get in a crazed translation war between American Spanish and Spain Spanish


        • #5
          Originally posted by delage View Post
          YAY!! Let the videos roll! Now we'll get in a crazed translation war between American Spanish and Spain Spanish

          Maybe the real matter is placing geographically pueblo by its slang


          • #6
            I'm sorry I've neglected this guys, I'll get on this as soon as I can. Other stuff has been flooding in and taking priority over it. I'll dedicate some time to it tomorrow. Again, sorry!


            • #7
              This will come in handy if you're going to try to pinpoint the region in spain with the appropriate dialect...

              My guess would be the northern part, which speaks Astur-Leonese, which is host to the León province. But then again, that would be too obvious of a choice
              Last edited by Project Omega; 07-17-2008, 11:24 PM.


              • #8
                Actually "los ganados" speak Spanish(Español) and have no accent of any particular region is rather as a neutral Spanish (typical in voice actors in anime or movies for latinamerica) with some typical expressions of Spain as "coño" (degrading way of saying vagina), "Cabron" (insult for people annoying)

                Some Spanish fans say they speak with Mexican accent...

                and i think The Japanese are not known to Spaniards but the Spaniards are not know to Mexicans XD
                Last edited by LeigiBoy; 07-18-2008, 02:47 AM.


                • #9
                  I would love to help on This!!!

                  I am from Venezuala!


                  • #10
                    Ok, I have a cutscene video pack encoding right now. It will be up to you guys then to transcribe what the words they say in Spanish are, and then the English translation ;)

                    I'll have the video up in a few hours. Anyone who helps out for this will get mentioned on the Resident Evil 4 Cutscenes video page which will go up sometime soon after this project is completed

                    In the future, I may need some more help when we can get the individual audio files of dialog that is said in-game. That will probably be much further down the line though.


                    • #11
                      Ok, here it is. Use save target as ;)


                      • #12
                        ['In the car' Scene]
                        This part of the dialogue is already in english, except by 'Coño', that can be translated like: 'Shit'. Or at least that's what I think .

                        [Fisrt Encounter Scene]
                        - Don José: ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate cabrón!

                        - Don José: What the fuck are you doing here? Get the fuck out of here, motherfucker!

                        [Surrounded Scene]
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Allí!
                        - Don Diego: ¡No dejes que se escape!
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Agárrenlo! -on the background-
                        - Don Diego: Vayan por detrás.
                        - Leon: Why this people...?
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Bloqueen el paso!
                        - Leon: What are they planning?
                        chainsaw sounds
                        - Leon: ...chainsaw.
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Por aquí! -on the background-
                        - Don Diego: ¡Agárrenlo! -on the background-
                        - Don Manuel: Ya no hay vuelta atrás... -on the background-

                        - Don Manuel: ¡Te voy a matar!
                        - Leon: Son of a b...

                        - Don Esteban: There!
                        - Don Diego: Don't let him run away!
                        - Don Esteban: Catch him! -on the background-
                        - Don Diego: Go by the back.
                        - Leon: Why this people...?
                        - Don Esteban: Block the way!
                        - Leon: What are they planning?
                        chainsaw sounds
                        - Leon: ...chainsaw.
                        - Don Esteban: This way! -on the background-
                        - Don Diego: Catch him! -on the background-
                        - Don Manuel: There's no turning back... -on the background-

                        - Don Manuel: I'm gonna kill you!
                        - Leon: Son of a b...

                        [The bell sounds Scene]
                        - Don José: OH, la campana.
                        - Don Esteban: Es hora de rezar.
                        - Don Manuel: Tenemos que irnos.

                        - Don José: OH, the bell.
                        - Don Esteban: It's time to pray.
                        - Don Manuel: We have to go.

                        ['You are one of us now' Scene]
                        - Don Esteban: Hay un rumor que hay un extraño entre nosotros.
                        - Don Manuel: Nuestro jefe se encargará de la rata... Y si la plaga es mucho mejor que la...¿?
                        (The sound of the door desn't let me hear well)

                        - Don Esteban: There's a rumor that there's a stranger among us.
                        - Don Manuel: Our chief will take care of that rat... And if the plague is much better than the...¿?

                        [Boat Scene]
                        - Don Esteban: Vámonos.
                        - Don José: Ok.
                        - Don Esteban: Ándale.

                        - Don Esteban: Let's go
                        - Don José: Ok.
                        - Don Esteban: Move.

                        [Cave Scene]
                        - The mob: ¡Agárrenlo!

                        - The mob: Catch him!

                        [El Gigante Scene]
                        - Don José: ¡Rápido! ¡Rápido!
                        - Don Manuel: ¡Rápido!
                        - Don José: ¡Usa los músculos!
                        - Don Manuel: ¡Rápido! ¡Apúrense!
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Rápido! ¡Rápido!
                        - Don Diego: ¡Por aquí! ¡Por aquí!
                        El Gigante hits the door
                        - Don Diego: ¡Se vuelve loco!
                        - Don José: ¡Mierda!
                        El Gigante smash the doors and break free
                        - Don Manuel: Ohh... ¡Sálvense todos!
                        - Don José: Nooooooo -and gets smashed-
                        - Don Diego: ¡Mierda!

                        - Don José: Quick! Quick!
                        - Don Manuel: Quick!
                        - Don José: Use the muscles!
                        - Don Manuel: Quick! Hurry up!
                        - Don Esteban: Quick! Quick!
                        - Don Diego: This way! This way!
                        El Gigante hits the door
                        - Don Diego: It's coming crazy!
                        - Don José: Shit!
                        El Gigante smash the doors and break free
                        - Don Manuel: Ohh... Save yourself!
                        - Don José: Nooooooo -and gets smashed-
                        - Don Diego: Shit!

                        [Warehouse Scene]
                        - Don José: ¡Agárrenlo! ¡No dejéis que se escape!
                        - Ashley: What are we gonna do?
                        then, you kill everybody...
                        - Don josé: Vámonos.

                        - Don José: Catch him! Don't let him run away!
                        - Ashley: What are we gonna do?
                        then, you kill everybody...
                        - Don josé: Let's go.

                        [Scene after the last Scene Scene]
                        - Isabel: ¡Ahí esta!

                        - Isabel: There he is!

                        [Bridge of the Castle Scene]
                        - Don Diego: ¡Agárrenlo!
                        - Don José: ¡No dejéis que se escape!
                        - Leon: On the other side of the bridge.
                        - Ashley: Yeah
                        - Don Manuel: ¡Agárrenlo!
                        - Don Diego: ¡Te encontré!
                        - Leon: You take that one.
                        - Ashley: Ok.
                        - Leon: Ready?
                        - Don José: ¡Agárrenlo!
                        - Don Esteban: ¡Cójanlo! ¡Cójanlo!
                        the bridge is totally up
                        - Don Diego: ¡Maldito sea! ¡Mierda!
                        - Leon: Come on.
                        - Ashley: Yeah.

                        - Don Diego: Catch him!
                        - Don José: Don't let him run away!
                        - Leon: On the other side of the bridge.
                        - Ashley: Yeah
                        - Don Manuel: Catch him!
                        - Don Diego: I found you!
                        - Leon: You take that one.
                        - Ashley: Ok.
                        - Leon: Ready?
                        - Don José: Catch him!
                        - Don Esteban: Take him! Take him!
                        the bridge is totally up
                        - Don Diego: Damn him! Shit!
                        - Leon: Come on.
                        - Ashley: Yeah.

                        [Blowing Passage Scene]
                        - Fanatic Leader: ¡Ahí está! ¡Mataloooo!

                        - Fanatic Leader: There he is! Kill hiiiimmm!

                        ['Oh, spotted!' Scene]
                        - Fanatic Leader: ¡Ahí está!

                        - Fanatic Leader: There he is!

                        [Crazy Cult Scene]
                        - The mob: Morir es vivir. Morir es vivir. Morir es vivir. Morir es vivir.

                        - The mob: To die is to live. To die is to live. To die is to live. To die is to live.

                        [Various Scenes]
                        - Fanatic Leader: ¡Ahí está!
                        - Servants: Muere. Muere. Muere.

                        - Fanatic Leader: There he is!
                        - Servants: Die. Die. Die.


                        - Servants: Cogedlo. Cogedlo.

                        (Yeah, they refer to their objective as a man, even when is Ashley)

                        - Servants: Take him. Take him.


                        - Fanatic Leader: ¡Ahí está!

                        - Fanatic Leader: There he is!

                        [Big machine Scene]
                        - Servant: ¡Matalo!
                        - Servants: Que empieces a rezar...

                        - Servant: Kill him!
                        - Servants: You better start to pray...

                        [Balcony dude Scene]
                        - Balcony dude: ¡Allí están!

                        - Balcony dude: There they are!

                        ['Ahsley is driving' Scene]
                        - Mercenary: ¡Apagádlo!

                        - Mercenary: ¡Shut it down!

                        ['Yeap, Mercenaries' Scene]
                        - Mercenary: Verifica la presión de esa válvula.
                        - Mercenary: Y tu...
                        - Mercenary: Jefe.. aquí!
                        they charge their weapons
                        - Mercenary #1: ¿Viste algo?
                        - Mercenary #2: No hay problema...
                        the choper arrives
                        - Mercenary: ¡Mira!
                        - Mercenary: Llenalos de polvora.
                        the structure starts to fail
                        - Mercenary: Allí esta.
                        the structure falls, everydoby screams

                        - Mercenary: Check the presure of that valve.
                        - Mercenary: And you...
                        - Mercenary: Chief... here!
                        they charge their weapons
                        - Mercenary #1: Did you see something?
                        - Mercenary #2: There's no problem...
                        the choper arrives
                        - Mercenary: Look!
                        - Mercenary: Fill them with gunpowder
                        the structure starts to fail
                        - Mercenary: There he is.
                        the structure falls, everydoby screams

                        [Leon is surrounded.. again Scene]
                        Mercenaries laughs, no dialogue

                        Mercenaries laughs, no dialogue

                        This is the second transcription of the cut scenes... my pc died in the process of translating them the first time and I had no backup then... ¬¬. Hope you find it accurate. Oddly enough, there's not much participation of the female ganados on the cut scenes =/.
                        Last edited by Ridley W. Hayes; 08-01-2008, 03:38 AM.


                        • #13
                          Wow, awesome work Ridley If anyone else wants to offer their opinions, please do! When I get off work I'll try to re-word some of the sentences so they sound more fluid in English, but I'll need your approval ;) Thanks so much Ridley!

                          Also, I almost forgot about the Separate Ways cutscenes. I'll see if I can get a clip of those (if there are any that need translating) asap.
                          Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-01-2008, 05:18 AM.


                          • #14
                            Ridley's translations are spot on Dot


                            • #15
                              ;) Ok, I'll have some Separate Ways cutscenes up in a little bit.

