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Why was X banned?

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  • Now thats just stupid. I assume Im going to receive the next infraction for just posting. Get your sh!t together. If you dont like to argue with me, stop replying. Right now youre replying AND giving away infractions. I dont see any other reason in that, other than your ego took a bruise. Grow up.

    You have received an infraction at The Horror Is Alive.

    Reason: Acting like a know-it-all
    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    I seem to recall there being some April fool's joke last year, made out of scrap material dug out of a certain familiar game... It made headlines everywhere.
    You dont mean that classic RE4 joke, do you? If so, arent you just further proving my point that theres nothing "exciting" in digging in those files unless youre a modder.

    Then there was some article on picking a certain demo apart... I think that thing has gathered a good few thousands of hits (the discussion topic is at 22 000+)
    And, oh, then there are those times when a bunch of videos showing unused features, leftover graphics from an earlier design direction and some other stuff popped up... I seem to recall a lot of people dropping their jaw to the floor when those popped up too
    You do understand that, when it comes to that second part, it has nothing to do with people being spoiled by content, digging in anticipation for the new game? Its similar to people trying to find out which content was left out in STALKER and Battlefield 2, but cannot be compared to RE5 Demo. People are looking for spoilers here, thats why the files are opened in the first place.

    Youre bringing up examples of demos being hacked, beta footages being shown, but when was the last time things went haywire when a RE game was being opened? Think about it now, really hard. I recall Outbreaks. Outfits and unused levels. Thats it.

    And... to think that all of this could pop up without the game being spoiled for anyone... woah!
    You mean material about games or information we will never see or hear about? Thats quite different from being able to foresee the game using a demo, dont you think?

    Also, you're doing a poor job at "defending your case" (or whatever you wanna call it) in that previous post of yours. If you're gonna try to pick someone's post apart with stuff you apparently don't know too much about yourself, then either don't or do your research and present a case
    Seriously, theres no case being defended. I was just pointing on a few obvious mistakes from your part, when you tried to make the reason to take down the topics a lot more noble than it really is. Youre doing a poor job at defending yours. In this case, CAPCOM meeting the fans and giving them more than any other company.

    Eagerly awaiting for your next infraction.


    • Well Capcom has acknowledged me and done a lot more for me than any other company. Their staff post regularly on their forums too. They also produced my two favourite series of all time, RE and DMC. Stop being a hater.


      • Reading the Worthplaying interview with Kramer I assume downloading and playing a japanese-ony demo isn't piracy, and there were a lot of big gaming websites with tutorial "how to download the biohazard 5 demo"...ecc so I don't think that's properly piracy. Come on Alexia... that's not piracy (I'm wrong?)
        However about the demo hacking issue you're right guys, reHorror is strongly wrong and they're acting like idiots, this kind of leacked info are like pains in the ass for Capcom, and since (if) we are fans we can't go against them. If Capcom ask something we have to do what they want.

        Guys don't forghet this, Capcom is Capcom, don't forget this


        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
          I was actually planning on giving a reply to this, but then I saw a rather nice PM signed Mmeber_of_STARS[sic], and realized I was wasting my time.

          Originally posted by Sunglasses View Post
          Guys don't forghet this, Capcom is Capcom, don't forget this
          Ahah, I'd forgotten about that. We really do pull some great ones

          By the way, you're kinda right on the demo thing. It's not exactly piracy. Although there probably is some sort of note somewhere about unauthorized duplication of it and stuff like that (For those who didn't grab it from LIVE). Not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised if there is something in the Terms of Service on Xbox LIVE that probably tells you not to give false/incorrect information (which is somewhat required in most cases where people have made Japanese LIVE accounts to snatch something from the Japanese Marketplace)
          Last edited by Carnivol; 12-19-2008, 10:30 AM.


          • Originally posted by Alexia-Ashford View Post
            Well Capcom has acknowledged me and done a lot more for me than any other company. Their staff post regularly on their forums too. They also produced my two favourite series of all time, RE and DMC. Stop being a hater.

            I see.

            This is all about CAPCOM giving people free T-Shirts?

            Im not a hater, Im simply saying that CAPCOM arent the pioneers of the industry. Never were, they get a lot of undeserved credit, mostly from people who havent seen how some of the other studios do it.

            Black Foot Studios and Splash Damage are the best examples on how community management is done.

            Can I link you to Lil Johns "Get Low" song? Or would that be offensive?


            • This is all about CAPCOM giving people free T-Shirts?

              Lulz no th3y r givin me free gaem and headband!11

              w0ts ur b33f!


              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                I was actually planning on giving a reply to this, but then I saw a rather nice PM signed Mmeber_of_STARS[sic], and realized I was wasting my time.

                Ahah, I'd forgotten about that. We really do pull some great ones

                By the way, you're kinda right on the demo thing. It's not exactly piracy. Although there probably is some sort of note somewhere about unauthorized duplication of it and stuff like that (For those who didn't grab it from LIVE). Not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised if there is something in the Terms of Service on Xbox LIVE that probably tells you not to give false/incorrect information (which is somewhat required in most cases where people have made Japanese LIVE accounts to snatch something from the Japanese Marketplace)
                Bingo, Im 99% certain that the agreement states that you have to give proper information. Of course, very little can be done to verify it (although there is plenty), and its not really against the law, but if wanted, Microsoft / Capcom could still take legal action against you for it.


                • Ciaren, even though I know that she isn't being sarcastic, the way she put it made it look like she was. So now, effectively, you've just been a hypocrite.


                  • Originally posted by Helegad View Post
                    Ciaren, even though I know that she isn't being sarcastic, the way she put it made it look like she was. So now, effectively, you've just been a hypocrite.
                    What are you talking about?
                    Last edited by News Bot; 12-19-2008, 07:52 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • I would assume you're telling Alexia to keep the fact that she's getting a free game and headband secret?

                      Oops. I might have misunderstood your post.


                      • Yeah, you misunderstood. =P
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • 'Why was X banned?'
                          'Because I couldn't find my soothers.'


                          • Technically, no. It's more:
                            'Why was X banned?'
                            'Because he irritated me and I couldn't find my cold medication.'

                            Although to be fair I'd probably be telling people to stop telling folks off anyway, because that's my job and I'm jealous of the puishment game.


                            • Ban 'em all, Darkmoon, and let God sort 'em out. It's the only way to be sure.


                              • Don't encourage him.

