I am proud to announce that the 4 year flame (non-homosexual) war between Dot50Cal and I has reached a tentative conclusion: friendship.
Thank you, Dot50Cal. You have created what I consider one of the best Resident Evil fan sites on the internet.
This image of a fat man (pictured elsewhere with 20lbs. free weights) on a stationary bike is a metaphor. It represents the gluttonous rivalry that once existed between us. Personally, I think it's disgusting.
I am glad we can finally move on to better serve the community and it's newcomers.
Thank you, Dot50Cal. You have created what I consider one of the best Resident Evil fan sites on the internet.
This image of a fat man (pictured elsewhere with 20lbs. free weights) on a stationary bike is a metaphor. It represents the gluttonous rivalry that once existed between us. Personally, I think it's disgusting.
I am glad we can finally move on to better serve the community and it's newcomers.