*To make a news post, simply post a new topic in the News Archive. It will automatically be added to the main page*
Hey guys, since we're getting more news posters, I just wanted to say a few notes on how I'd prefer the news to be posted. Heres a small sample of how I'd like it to be formatted, so its nice and easy for people to either read what we have to say, or just click our links
For the link portion, it should always be below the paragraph where we introduce the link. All words (bar some, like "a") should be capitalized so all the attention is drawn to that portion. Links shouldn't be posted mid paragraph through linked test. That always throws off readers as to whether they should click it or keep reading. It looks sloppy 
If you need to update a post, try not to use "Edit:", but rather put something like
above the old news part, then you can fill in the updated text below that, and end with
I think only moderators can edit your thread title, so I can handle that if needed.
If its a few hours after you posted news, theres no need to edit your previous post, just make a new one
And most importantly, try to summarize the info in a link where we can. For interviews and such, it would be nice to have a list like this:
etc etc.
Also, after posting the link, you can thank whoever reported it. That should do it! Any questions, feel free to ask!
Hey guys, since we're getting more news posters, I just wanted to say a few notes on how I'd prefer the news to be posted. Heres a small sample of how I'd like it to be formatted, so its nice and easy for people to either read what we have to say, or just click our links

IGN has an update on the Resident Evil Degeneration dvd/Blu-ray release. It appears that the Leon interview will be a mock one, with his voice actor Paul Mercier playing the role of Leon as he is interviewed. I'm sure some cringe worthy lines will be available from that, given TheSelfishGene's words on the film itself. Thanks to Archelon for the heads up!
IGN Degeneration Release Info Thanks to Archelon!
Rehorror.net has got an interview with Ken Lally, who is both voicing Albert Wesker and taking the role of motion actor in this installment. He reveals some plot details about the game which haven't been confirmed, so be warry if you are avoiding spoilers.
Rehorror Ken Lally Interview Thanks to beasley23803!
IGN Degeneration Release Info Thanks to Archelon!
Rehorror.net has got an interview with Ken Lally, who is both voicing Albert Wesker and taking the role of motion actor in this installment. He reveals some plot details about the game which haven't been confirmed, so be warry if you are avoiding spoilers.
Rehorror Ken Lally Interview Thanks to beasley23803!

If you need to update a post, try not to use "Edit:", but rather put something like
above the old news part, then you can fill in the updated text below that, and end with
I think only moderators can edit your thread title, so I can handle that if needed.
If its a few hours after you posted news, theres no need to edit your previous post, just make a new one

- 1
- 2
- 3
etc etc.
Also, after posting the link, you can thank whoever reported it. That should do it! Any questions, feel free to ask!