It seems Beasley just can't get enough of THIA. Hes been registering a bunch of accounts, so I've shut them all down and disabled registration.
On another, very disturbing note, one of the proxy sites he was posting from was full of child pornography. I've reported it to the authorities, along with his original USA based Comcast IP address. of interest was also the fact that this child porn site was also in the USA. So let this be a lesson to watch where you surf with proxies to all the would-be spammers out there. He'll most likely be getting a visit from some folks soon.
On another, very disturbing note, one of the proxy sites he was posting from was full of child pornography. I've reported it to the authorities, along with his original USA based Comcast IP address. of interest was also the fact that this child porn site was also in the USA. So let this be a lesson to watch where you surf with proxies to all the would-be spammers out there. He'll most likely be getting a visit from some folks soon.