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    Never mind.
    Last edited by 5pecks0f8lue; 12-02-2022, 01:13 PM. Reason: It doesn't matter.

  • #2
    These are pretty wild accusations to drop here, Peter.

    Harassing people is never okay and is certainly not okay. Whilst I'm certain that Nemesis556 is not doing these things towards you, and that it must be some sort of mixup somewhere, it'd be of great help if you could provide direct evidence of said harassment taking place, and preferably also what evidence you also have that proves that it's allegedly commited by Nemesis556. Following the instructions you've provided only leads to posts of you repeating the same thing you're saying here - which unfortunately can't be filed as evidence of any wrongdoing taking place, and depending on the accuracy of the claims being made might even be seen as slander.

    However, considering the seriousness of the allegations being made, it'd probably be best if provided us with contact info for either your legal representative and/or local law enforcement, so we can collaborate with them and see if we can properly resolve this matter. Feel free to either post said info and proof here or, if you'd prefer privacy, send it to me via DM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
      Well, I don't have a laptop anymore. Many of his posts were deleted, or the forums relocated. I did save a picture of him from when he posted it on Biohaze, so I could send you that.

      Most of the time he just uses aliases. So it's hard to pin it directly to the same person.
      For old posts that are no longer online on various forums, can likely help you recover them. Feel free to send me anything you have that proves the connection between various aliases or which directly proves this harassment you speak of via Direct Message to me here on the forums. I can't legally share anything from the THIA archives without first being in talks with your legal representative or local law enforcement (evt. their cybercrime division), so I'll also need their contact information from you if I'm to look into this on our end. (If you've reported this to local law enforcement before, you'll also have a case number or ID, feel free to send me that too).
      Last edited by Carnivol; 10-07-2022, 03:43 AM.


      • #4
        I saw your DMs, and I don't know quite how to put this.

        Some of the links you're giving me are just links to forums where you need to be a member to view content (such as the anxietyforum), or forum posts where you repeat the exact same thing as you're writing here. Nothing that indicates a link between Nemesis556 and whoever it is you claim is harassing you. I don't even see anything showing any harassment taking place, beyond the posts where you say someone is harassing you.

        None of the links you are posting shows anything that even remotely comes close to suggesting Nemesis556 is harassing you (or that anyone else is currently doing so either). I am not saying someone isn't possibly guilty of wrongdoings towards you, but what you're linking so far shows nothing.

        The fact that you can google his username and find a picture of him isn't evidence of anything, beyond Google image search working as intended.

        You have proven no links between Nemesis556 and the various usernames you've provided. Nothing. Closest would be the strange leap of logic that an IP from New Zealand means its someone from Australia (an entirely different country).

        Are you sure you are okay? If you believe someone is harassing you, it's pretty farfetched to claim that it's Nemesis556, as you're seemingly unable to provide any evidence of said harassment taking place (nor provide a link between him and this alleged harassment). If anything, the pattern I'm seeing here and starting to believe is that you're somehow attempting to smear or harass him. Which there's clearly lots of evidence of, considering the things you've just shown me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          Why would I "smear" him, when I hadn't seen or heard from him on any websites since probably 2006? It's up to you whether you believe me or not as well, but I don't have any reason to be making up stories for attention. Especially considering how long this has been dragging on at Fandom, YouTube, and these message boards I provided links to.
          But you don't provide any evidence of anything suggesting Nemesis556 is doing anything towards you. You have posted a bunch of links to you saying he is harassing you. Not a single post showing him harassing you. Not a single thing connecting him to any of the user accounts you claim is harassing you. Not a single thing even proving those accounts are harassing you.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          Yeah. I fully accept that I had beef with a lot of people on RE forums over the years, but I have been posting on forums such as Biohaze, Silent Hill Community, JoyFreak, and others, where I have friendly banter and debates with the relatively few members who still contribute. So I couldn't care less about trolling or telling lies. I've often gotten the boot unfairly on forums and I can own up to being an asshole in prior decades, but after a quiet word with the person in charge, they've often allowed me back in.
          I don't care for scene drama. Never have. Never will. It's correct that you have a history of straight up harassing people on forums, and you've even e-mailed long manifestos to webmasters in the past where you even document and admit to not just harassing people on forums but other places too. I believe in second chances, I believe people fuck up, and I believe people change. That's why you've only ever been banned here when you in the past have spammed the forums during previous outbursts, but then ignored by staff (fully aware of it being you) whenever you've re-registered with a new account. And then only had said account banned when you started flooding the forums again with spam.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          Personally, I don't even like to get involved in online drama any more, even if it seems to find me. It doesn't interest me, and I try to keep to myself, even if someone disagrees with my opinions on the games I happen to be discussing. And that's frequently. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to get bent out of shape over it, then make it my goal to follow certain users around every week, and start a personal feud that involves insulting their ill family members, doxing them, or subscribing to their YouTube channel with hidden accounts.
          Well, you clairly are making an effort to chase the idea that Nemesis556 is somehow haunting you online, when it only seems to be you chasing yourself and claiming he's doing something to you that he's clearly not doing (but you evidently are doing to him).

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          If I am making this crap up for the hell of it, then why are there so many viewable posts about this moron all over these forums that you can quickly pull up on Google, where members have seen his hostile engagement with me? Plus, I also sent you an archived page of his Twitter profile to show you it was the same guy, along with this dog he previously submitted a picture of on Biohaze in 2017.
          But there are no such posts. You have linked me to posts where YOU say he's harassing you, but no actual posts showing this is actually happening. Some of these forums you linked to are members only, so I suggest you screenshot these posts that are harassing you. Then showing them here. The allegations you're making are very serious and I'm already in talks with legal council in regards to how we'll proceed with this if this doesn't stop.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          He claims that I suck at acting in movies, yet he wants to know what films I am in regardless. He has attempted to tamper with my filmography entries before. I'm only an extra anyway. He even contacted a director ages ago, because I uploaded a bootleg of his feature film.
          No. He hasn't. Maybe it's you? Maybe it's someone you personally know from your childhood? Maybe you've got some dumb leftover troll somewhere from Encyclopedia Dramatica, or maybe you had a page on some shit like KiwiFarms. Who knows? All I can truly say is pretty much 100% certain is that it's not Nemesis556. Maybe it's all in your head and you just need to get over yourself? Why would anyone even waste a bunch of time harassing you online? People have jobs, lives, commitments in life, why would any adult dedicate so much time to harassing you, specifically, online?

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          That doesn't make what I did right, but it was added to a site that only James knew of me visiting. Where he had also added multiple fake reviews to my other film work on their respective pages. He bothered me so many times on Fandom too, that a lot of articles I was editing had to be locked, amended, or comments had to be turned off.
          How does any of this even make sense to you? So, you've got a secret user on a secret forum, and it's so secret that no one knows about it. No one but Nemesis556? You seem to have a problem with citing actual sources for things, which -- to me -- sounds like a very plausable reason for why articles gets locked when you try to edit them. If you're as bad as citing sources and providing evidence for claims as you've been so far with these accusations you've posted here, it's no wonder people wont let you edit articles on wikias.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          Like I said, you can believe me or not. Because as it is, I don't have any reason to lie about this dude. It's also thanks to this jackass posting my address, that sex workers on Twitter are finding out my real name and address. When I contacted them to propose a meeting and things didn't go too well, I would rabbit on about them on these punting forums. So then he privately contacted them, calling me a registered sex offender, which is a complete lie.
          Are you reading your own posts? This really sounds like all you. You being you. All you.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          He said some delusional nonsense about how I was a racist, and this is merely because I said things about a Spanish support worker I had problems with, or he had a go at me for saying Albert Wesker in the Resident Evil series is not supposed to be played by a black person.
          Where? When? You've shown none of this.

          Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
          That's not being racist at all, though. I was simply stating a fact. Yet the bogan dummy seems to think otherwise. And I was shocked when I came across his date of birth someplace. He is meant to be 36, and yet he is carrying on like such a horse's ass on the Internet, day in and day out.
          Again; where, when? There's just so much factually wrong about the so called evidence of yours.

          Look, it probably sucks BIG TIME that we're not believing you here and you're not getting any support with chasing the idea that Nemesis556 is harassing you. This doesn't mean we don't care. You're evidently dealing with something, but Nemesis556 has nothing to do with it beyond whatever misguided and wrongfully connection you've made in your head to him.

          Best of luck figuring out how to approach and deal with that shit. Contact your local police authorities, have a chat with them. But you should know that you should probably leave Nemesis556 out if, as I'm fairly certain these accusations and this obsession of yours is reaching a rather dangerous point where this is something that'll legally backfire hard on you for perpetual stalking and harassing of both him and others around him -- which quite frankly does match your prior forum history, just that it's now started manifesting itself in the real world and not just in forums.


          • #6
            Man I can't believe this stuff is still going on. Didn't even know these boards were still alive..


            • #7
              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post

              But you don't provide any evidence of anything suggesting Nemesis556 is doing anything towards you. You have posted a bunch of links to you saying he is harassing you. Not a single post showing him harassing you. Not a single thing connecting him to any of the user accounts you claim is harassing you. Not a single thing even proving those accounts are harassing you.

              I don't care for scene drama. Never have. Never will. It's correct that you have a history of straight up harassing people on forums, and you've even e-mailed long manifestos to webmasters in the past where you even document and admit to not just harassing people on forums but other places too. I believe in second chances, I believe people fuck up, and I believe people change. That's why you've only ever been banned here when you in the past have spammed the forums during previous outbursts, but then ignored by staff (fully aware of it being you) whenever you've re-registered with a new account. And then only had said account banned when you started flooding the forums again with spam.

              Well, you clairly are making an effort to chase the idea that Nemesis556 is somehow haunting you online, when it only seems to be you chasing yourself and claiming he's doing something to you that he's clearly not doing (but you evidently are doing to him).

              But there are no such posts. You have linked me to posts where YOU say he's harassing you, but no actual posts showing this is actually happening. Some of these forums you linked to are members only, so I suggest you screenshot these posts that are harassing you. Then showing them here. The allegations you're making are very serious and I'm already in talks with legal council in regards to how we'll proceed with this if this doesn't stop.

              No. He hasn't. Maybe it's you? Maybe it's someone you personally know from your childhood? Maybe you've got some dumb leftover troll somewhere from Encyclopedia Dramatica, or maybe you had a page on some shit like KiwiFarms. Who knows? All I can truly say is pretty much 100% certain is that it's not Nemesis556. Maybe it's all in your head and you just need to get over yourself? Why would anyone even waste a bunch of time harassing you online? People have jobs, lives, commitments in life, why would any adult dedicate so much time to harassing you, specifically, online?

              How does any of this even make sense to you? So, you've got a secret user on a secret forum, and it's so secret that no one knows about it. No one but Nemesis556? You seem to have a problem with citing actual sources for things, which -- to me -- sounds like a very plausable reason for why articles gets locked when you try to edit them. If you're as bad as citing sources and providing evidence for claims as you've been so far with these accusations you've posted here, it's no wonder people wont let you edit articles on wikias.

              Are you reading your own posts? This really sounds like all you. You being you. All you.

              Where? When? You've shown none of this.

              Again; where, when? There's just so much factually wrong about the so called evidence of yours.

              Look, it probably sucks BIG TIME that we're not believing you here and you're not getting any support with chasing the idea that Nemesis556 is harassing you. This doesn't mean we don't care. You're evidently dealing with something, but Nemesis556 has nothing to do with it beyond whatever misguided and wrongfully connection you've made in your head to him.

              Best of luck figuring out how to approach and deal with that shit. Contact your local police authorities, have a chat with them. But you should know that you should probably leave Nemesis556 out if, as I'm fairly certain these accusations and this obsession of yours is reaching a rather dangerous point where this is something that'll legally backfire hard on you for perpetual stalking and harassing of both him and others around him -- which quite frankly does match your prior forum history, just that it's now started manifesting itself in the real world and not just in forums.
              Carnivol are you his therapist or something? You act like you care but let's face it you really don't. Just delete these dead boards my dude, nobody cares about this lame site anymore except you. And Dot50Cal coming back is hella laughable after all these years he disappeared. The RE community is super strange / cringe indeed. Really caters to people with autism and mental illnesses.

              Liars and con artists, don't act like you didn't have a hand in writing that article about Peter on ED because it was either you, Dot or somebody from this site. Hella toxic praying on the weak like that. You did the same to me in 2005 on Bioflames to toot your horn and act like your shit doesn't stink. Fuck this site and everyone on it. Just because you're an admin or moderator, doesn't give you the right to bully people. It's 2022, grow the fuck up man.

              I never had a problem with Peter, and quite frankly that article about him was disgusting. You people on this site and people responsible for that are all disgusting human beings.

              You also attacked Colvin, but I have spoke with him and he's a pretty nice guy. You need a shave and need to get a real job my guy, you're not impressing anybody with your Jewish antics trying to look like Jesus Christ. It's awful. We aren't living in the bronze age, time to shave. You are most definitely not Norwegian, I've seen your pic. Jew disguising himself as a Scandinavian.
              Last edited by VirusPunk; 11-19-2022, 05:00 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                ...whatever you said...
                EDiT: I posted a lot of retarded smiley faces but they would not show up?? Anyway it's got to see the spack-tards all banding together.

                I love that this forum came back but only the drama is here.

                Last edited by Anders; 11-20-2022, 07:55 PM.
                lostreleases // demopals


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Anders View Post
                  I love that this forum came back but only the drama is here.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	248
Size:	87.2 KB
ID:	447980


                  • #10
                    If that's so, what do you want THIA to do about it? They have no say in what goes on other places on the Internet.

                    Anybody attacking somebody by talking shit about their mother's health problems is lowlife scum. As hard as it may be, the best you can do is probably to ignore them.
                    lostreleases // demopals


                    • #11
                      You haven't proven that it's James, and I don't know who James is anyway so I don't really care.
                      But any forum that allows that kind of crap is not a good place to visit.
                      Seriously, just leave it.
                      lostreleases // demopals


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
                        Well, it makes everybody else on the site look bad, when an associate of theirs is knowingly doing this shit every week.
                        I've read through some of the stuff on that forum now, and that's pretty awful stuff. Sent you a DM.

                        Originally posted by Anders View Post
                        Anybody attacking somebody by talking shit about their mother's health problems is lowlife scum.
                        Pretty much this.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Anders View Post
                          You haven't proven that it's James, and I don't know who James is anyway so I don't really care.
                          But any forum that allows that kind of crap is not a good place to visit.
                          Seriously, just leave it.
                          Yeah. I can say for certain that this wouldn't be James. And that forum seems like a bit of a hell hole. Would avoid, unless a moderation team could clean it up a bit.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 5pecks0f8lue
                            Nobody with power has logged in for years. The same thing happened with when the owner simply named "admin" retired the moderators. This is how he was able to create so many accounts and flood the forum.
                            If the owner or moderation team is unavailable, you could try to contact whoever's hosting the domain and have them follow up on things and take action.

