A project started well over a year and a half ago is finally nearing the end. I have about 24 magazines left to scan out of over 200. All RE based things, so the site should have a huge archive of interviews, beta screens and other various mag only stuff. Possibly the second most coverage of 1.5 thanks to all this as well. I've attached a shot of the folders current contents
It should be fun figuring out a working design for all this. We'll probably have to do some advanced database which will allow you guys to search for various critera. Magazine, Game Coverage, Type (interview, preview, review) etc. Should be great once its all up!
It should be fun figuring out a working design for all this. We'll probably have to do some advanced database which will allow you guys to search for various critera. Magazine, Game Coverage, Type (interview, preview, review) etc. Should be great once its all up!