What do you guys want to see? Im open for requests!
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What video do you want to see next?
not in any particular order:
a) Krauser vs Krauser (using the arm attack to finish him off?)
b) The village with castle ganados (if the em_set thing really works)
c) characters doing things they shouldnt be able to (i.e. ashley escorting ashley and catching her off a ladder)
d) showcase various glitches / oddities while having the slow flag on (i.e. reloading weapons, actions with ashley, plaga ganados, garrador attacks, regenerator attacks, the salazaar statue escape sequence, etc)
e) reproduce the mine-cart glitch with atari_no_hit and just explore the area / kill stuff.Last edited by krieg747; 08-08-2006, 05:55 PM.
funny music is very important.
i know it doesnt sound like its true, but ANYTHING thats not 100% serious thats set to "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams, or the Highway To The Dangerzone song instantly becomes hilarious.
Anyone interested in more dead rising vids? I picked up the game today but I havent had a chance to play it yet..I've been on the phone/running around the city/being woken up by college kids asking me to take a survey/trying to find a new ISP ...etc......
Originally posted by Dot50CalSeiyaKou, Ill see what I can do ;)
Ice is coming down here soon for a few days and were going to work on the RE1 section (finally).!
Will RE1 section contain information about different beta builds(e.g. early FPS ver, TGS 95 ver) of the game?
I havent even looked into that yet XD I really cant provide any of the beta information myself, its already out there. So I think the only thign we could possibly do is hack the games/demo's ourselves. I wouldnt want to take someone elses work and pass it off as our own.
you can download the re4 trial and play with it yourself. if yo uhave some cash, you can even buy it off ebay and make it yourself with a little internet detective work.
as far as the krauser and ashley thing, i think you need to get msn messenger and a webcam