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Everyone Read This Please (The Future of the Forums are at Stake!)

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  • #16
    Something the feels like Rammstein has gone mad in a buther's shop. Again.

    Honestly, just something that looks half way decent beyond the default skin will be fine for now.


    • #17
      I wondered why I was logged out when I visited the site! Haha, glad to know it's been cleared up. I think I experienced the same problem as Mark, should be fine though. We'll see if this logs me out when I post.
      See you in hell.


      • #18
        Firefox keeps forgetting my passwords on a regular basis, so I was like.. great this shit again.


        • #19
          Ditto. It happened to me twice today. But every thing looks okay now.
          Freedom of Information.


          • #20
            If you're being logged out randomly, it's because of a cookie conflict. The cookie domain (or whatever they call it now) needs to be different if you have two copies of the same board installed on the same server with the same logins.

            Either host vB4 on a different server, or change the cookie settings inside of the vB4 installation (NOT this one).

            Why do you want vBulletin 4 anyway? There are new versions of forum software that are so much better (and cheaper) then vB nowadays.


            • #21
              We're used to it, in short. Its worked for us and I don't really want to switch at this point. We have a lot invested in the boards and I'd hate to lose any of that history. Sure, sure, there may be ways of migrating to a new board but ultimately it comes down to familiarity, and it working well for us.

              They're licensing has gotten a lot better since you owned it. You no longer have to renew every year and are entitled to updates throughout the versions lifetime.


              • #22
                I would debate you on that licensing comment, but I guess it's minutiae what software you use as long as it works.

                I agree with Scream though. Do what you can to port this guy over, or at least find a pre-made skin you can customize a little. Going from dark-rustic to bright-purple is a pretty big shock given the intended audience.


                • #23
                  Yeah, I guess I am a bit out of touch with the skin the majority is using. I've been using this one for years.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    That skin is so....mainstream.


                    • #25
                      Really? I've been using this one, I thought it was what everyone was using!


                      • #26
                        I've used this font forever...I thought it was the default for the site.



                        • #27
                          ^ Same with me, that's what I always assumed was default.


                          • #28
                            Same here, I had no idea there were multiple skins available
                            Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                            • #29
                              I've been using the black and red since day one...this place would be very weird without it.


                              • #30
                                It actually wouldn't take very much effort to port this skin over... aside from the colors and images used there are very few modifications to this skin apart from the default 3.x skin.

                                You could probably get away with leaving the vB 4.x skin as-is and just change the colors/images.

                                Most of the images on the THIA skin were never replaced anyway and most of them have white-background problems.
                                Last edited by Weed; 04-17-2011, 08:13 PM.

