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Dot50Cal Update

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  • Dot50Cal Update

    Dot50Cal got into a serious car accident (a head on collision, both cars going at about 40-50mph) a couple nights ago and received a few injuries - most notably being some broken bones and fractures in one of his legs and ankle, a large laceration in his other leg, and some bruised ribs and lungs and a swollen left hand. His car was totaled and from how he described the accident he's lucky his injuries weren't even more severe. He will be recuperating at his parents' place for a few weeks until he can, literally, get back on his feet. Until then, he won't have any access to his computer or files, so site updates and the podcast will be delayed by a few weeks until he can make it back to his own place and get things straightened out.

  • #2
    Holy shit, it sounds like he's lucky just to be alive, thank god for that. Let him know I am (as I'm sure that everyone else on the boards) wishing him a speedy and full recovery. No hurry on that other stuff his well being is more important.


    • #3
      Jeez! It sounds like he was pretty luck not to have been more seriously hurt or worse but damn that's bad! I wish him a speedy recovery


      • #4
        hope for a quick recovery


        • #5
          Christ, I'm glad to know he's safe and sound. However when he gets back I'm expecting a full sitrep along with pictures of his battle scars.
          See you in hell.


          • #6
            Best luck Dot50Cal, whising for a good and quick recovery


            • #7
              Shit, I wish him a speedy recovery!

              He was really lucky that he got out without anything worse, I never expect him to rush in regard to the site normally - so I hope people won't nag or bitch about anything considering this.

              Thanks for telling us all Alzaire.
              Non-blurry Signature Version
              Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


              • #8
                It's good to see you're still among the living.

                Take your time and get well soon!
                Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 05-14-2011, 11:33 PM.


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear that, John. I had a car accident with broken limbs in 2004 (as you may remember) and it took me a few years to recover. I hope your recovery will be faster and that we will see you back very soon, in good shape
                  Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                  • #10
                    Woah, crazy stuff. Ditto on what everyone else has said (far too lazy to come up with something different), we'll hopefully see you back around here sometime soon (which will be whenever it is you're actually reading this).


                    • #11
                      Yes sorry to hear this - I was actually kind of thinking what happened to Dot and had sent off a PM.. Hope he gets better soon!

                      This is one reason why I have no interest in driving.. kind of like Einstein when he said he doesn't want to waste brain power on remembering his phone number, I don't want to waste brain power thinking about some tossers who drive like maniacs.. especially around here.. life on the road can be short!


                      • #12
                        Shit, not at all cool. Hopefully he heals up nice and quick with no complications.


                        • #13
                          Get well soon Dot.


                          • #14
                            Wow shit,
                            get well soon man. !

                            you are our amazon !


                            • #15
                              Damn. Those are not good news. However it's a good thing he's alive and recovering... Hope we'll chat with him soon and show us his manly (battle) scars. Keep it up man, get well soon.

                              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

