I've been poking around the site for a while, and I've noticed something. On any given day, while there are usually a few people on the site at any given time, there is no place to really connect with those users because there aren't enough people around to keep a forum board active enough with topics to participate in.
Say you have a few Silent Hill fans online at the same time wanting to talk a little shop, but there is no way to participate in the community in a way that will garner response at that given time. Obviously you're not going to start a new thread just to talk, that's reserved for when you have something interesting to add to the board.
With Vbulletin it's possible to have multiple separate chat rooms active above the actual forum (Chat for Umbrella Labs, Off Topic, etc). I'm assuming that is still possible with VB4.1.12, as I am only familiar with an older version of VB. I just thought it might be an interesting addition.
Say you have a few Silent Hill fans online at the same time wanting to talk a little shop, but there is no way to participate in the community in a way that will garner response at that given time. Obviously you're not going to start a new thread just to talk, that's reserved for when you have something interesting to add to the board.
With Vbulletin it's possible to have multiple separate chat rooms active above the actual forum (Chat for Umbrella Labs, Off Topic, etc). I'm assuming that is still possible with VB4.1.12, as I am only familiar with an older version of VB. I just thought it might be an interesting addition.