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Biohazard 5 Demo Comparison

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  • Remember kids! Turning on "full HDMI settings" (whatever that even means) makes specular maps load better!
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 02-09-2009, 03:40 PM.


    • Wow, so you don't know how to set your PS3 to full HDMI?


      • Why don t you tell us Hagu...


        • alright here is the thing from what i seen and heard the xbox 360 has better lighting and shadowing graphics, the xbox 360 GPU (graphic processing unit) has a higher cabalibility than the ps3 GPU and its a proven fact but here is the thing the ps3 is smarter in solving mathematical problems in result the enemys is a little more smarter than the xbox 360's. In the end both systems are great but it depends on your taste do you want a system that has a little better graphics or a system that is more smarter? It depends on you and as the ps3's disc storage cabalibality its just depends how far the company want to go.


          • Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post

            EDIT: Since some of you screamed for a US demo comparison, one was pointed out to me:
            Less comparable differences in textures than the JPN edition, just softness in the image from the filtering. Clearly "DOT" isn't the only one seeing soft edgings here on the PS3 version You can see what the intent is of it against the sharp edgings on the 360 but the game looks better in stills with the texture detail shown. It is at least harder to see the difference in motion and no one has ever doubted that.

            I really will be interested to see if Capcom lets us switch that off and how the image quality is without it. DMC4 actually looked fine without it and I kinda wondered why it was on as default.


            • I'm curious what filtering the options will let you turn off. The first gameplay trailer wasn't running off console hardware, and it certainly had a more sharp, clinical look similar to games like RR7. I actually like that.

              Originally posted by Hagu View Post
              Wow, so you don't know how to set your PS3 to full HDMI?
              He does, but RGB full range with HDMI has a purpose that's lost on most gaming forums. The 360 has a similar option that's called RGB wide (or something). It's useful for monitors to display a wider spectrum of colours and, and CE companies added it to TV's to support Deep Color (which no source supports other than Folding @ Home)

              You'll have to turn on RGB full range on your TV when you do on the PS3 or 360, otherwise you're just crushing blacks and losing detail. It's more noticeable with darker games, or areas that use several blacks.

              Unfortunately, Sony's own document is correct, but has bad hints that makes people assume that full range means best output possible. Truth is, the comparisons made before online were done via component, and the PS3's analog output is a bit blurry.

              Sony Computer Entertainment PS3™ Official Online Instruction Manual. Explains how to use the PS3™ system software.

              Adjust the output settings for TVs that support RGB full range.


              • Here is a good article I found about a comparison of the ps3 and 360.

                I'm no expert (not even remotely close) but why did'nt sony make their gpu at least as good as the 360? It came out a year later.

                Oh and by the way, I'm just a curious gamer I'm not trying to be a fanboy or take sides. I'm just genuinely interested in how all this graphics mombo jombo works on both systems. I have both systems (and a wii!) and I like them both a lot!
                Last edited by Dot50Cal; 02-10-2009, 11:53 AM. Reason: Please don't double post.


                • Money. I seem to recall that, even as expensive as they were, the PS3's didn't make much in the way of profit. Some people even said they didn't make a profit. I guess they were trying to cut costs as much as possible.


                  • Originally posted by hellrizer View Post
                    In the end both systems are great but it depends on your taste do you want a system that has a little better graphics or a system that is more smarter? It depends on you and as the ps3's disc storage cabalibality its just depends how far the company want to go.
                    No, thats not the case either. Having a better CPU won't lead to better AI unless Capcom programs it that way. They won't make enemy behavior changes across versions like that. The ruleset will be a standard one which is shared. The MT Framework engine is so heavily tied to PC that the 360 naturally benefits. The engine was made with the 360 and PC in mind first, then later ported to PS3 (which is why we don't see Dead Rising on PS3).

                    Originally posted by Hagu View Post
                    Wow, so you don't know how to set your PS3 to full HDMI?
                    If you are referring to full range, then yes, I do. However, as has been stated, the captures were done through component. The only thing thats going to happen with component is crushing the blacks. Even if I had HDMI, I wouldn't turn it on. Like Umon said, it requires deep color, or a PC CRT monitor to take use of it without losing detail to blackness.

                    You shouldn't register just to pick fights, especially when you don't know what you are talking about. It makes you look silly in the end.
                    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 02-10-2009, 11:56 AM.


                    • Originally posted by SandokTheSlayer View Post
                      I'm no expert (not even remotely close) but why did'nt sony make their gpu at least as good as the 360? It came out a year later.
                      The GPU in PS3 was designed to be supported by CPU, the Cell, and games made by Sony's studios take advantage of that (and then you have Uncharted, GT5, K2 - games that really shines). However, most games this generation are multi-platform and X360 is their primary platform (because it's easier to develop games on this console) and then they are quickly ported to PS3, hence most of multi-platform games look worse on Sony's console.
                      Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 02-10-2009, 12:30 PM.


                      • Originally posted by SandokTheSlayer View Post
                        Here is a good article I found about a comparison of the ps3 and 360.

                        It's not a clear cut answer like that "article", which is in line with message board posts from the PS3 launch days. Generally speaking, it's common knowledge that the 360 has a GPU edge, while the PS3 has an edge with the CPU (which can and was meant to assist with graphics processing). Overall performance is comparable, but a good team with the right amount of time can get better results out of the PS3. Sony's first party games like Uncharted and Kill Zone attest to that, among few third party games like MGS4.

                        The difference isn't staggering by any means, so that's all you need to know. Audiophiles like the PS3 better, since most developers compress the samples less and often (not always) offer 7.1 uncompressed stream via HDMI. MGS4 streams the audio, and 25% of the disc was dedicated for it, though it was 5.1.

                        Each hardware manufacturer had their own priorities while having the GPU and CPU developed among other parts (Cell R&D was A LOT more expensive btw). The PS3's initial price was high primarily due to the BD drive. Imagine if Nintendo launched the N64 with a DVD drive in 1996, and you get the picture.

                        EDIT: Dot, Framework was started on PC waaaay before they even had 360 SDK's. Mid 2004, headed by Inafune's programmers who developed the Onimusha 3 engine.
                        Last edited by Umon Daisuke; 02-10-2009, 12:42 PM.


                        • if i had the money i would say screw xbox 360 and a the ps3 and instead just get like a alienware or just make my own pc tower but i dont, so there is no point fighting over what console is better because the best graphics and the best HD quality is always going to be a PC.


                          • Yeah, but the PC isn't a console. They're debating which console is better. That's the point. The 360 demo is better than the PS3 version. As for console debates, I'm not even going into that because it never leads anywhere nice.

                            Hagu, did you really register here just to pick at Dot about his comparison? He didn't have to do it, and he did a good job. I suggest you reconsider what you actually want to contribute or bring to this forum before deciding to post again.
                            Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 02-11-2009, 04:41 PM.


                            • Thanks for the response Umon. Do you think the games will be pretty much identical then come release time? Do you think the PS3 use that QAA you've mentioned?


                              • Yeah. Like DMC4, I think you'll only see a difference is you take screen caps and compare.

                                I don't think the type of AA will change in the final, so yeah, that difference will stand. There will be other comparisons too, so we'll just wait and see. Turning down the in-game brightness on the PS3 does help with the overall look, since the game is considerably brighter than the 360 one.

