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True Story Behind Biohazard Translation Project
Hello! I am new in this forum and that's my first post.
I wanna do the question to Dot: What's about the feature? Any news about it? It seems that this work have been stopped too long (2 years and 8 months!!). I don't want to be critic, but I am very worried about it.
P.S: Your work is unpayable!!!
(My english is very poor, so please, don't kill me!!)
Last edited by BarryBurton; 11-24-2010, 01:41 PM.
One time, during the exploration, the dinosaur name Q got lost on the dinosaur's island, and lost the connection with otherdinosaurs. He was looking for the cavern place where dinosaurs gather, according to map and compasson hand.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostThe hilarious thing is that we gave the full English script to RE Center, and Michael & Co whipped out a pretty awesome Spanish version in no time (if memory serves me right) ... I miss having that type of motivation and energy
Spanish: http://www.residentevilcenter.net/ttsbbiohazard.html
Portuguese (released yesterday): http://www.residentevilcenter.net/br...ybehindbh.html
If I find the time could layout the English version for you guys.
You know I'm probably RECenter's biggest fan when it comes to how you guys do layouts and translates replicas of stuff and such? Don't have to ask me twice if you wanna wrap it up for us
(Although I don't think I ever got around to doing a proper editing pass on the last chapters in English)
I was made aware a few years back that the original English translation of BIOHAZARD: THE BEGINNING that spread throughout the internet (read: not the THIA partial translation) was full of gross errors, and not just minor things. From incerting characters from the S.D. Perry novel to possibly even rewritting the later chapters. I heard that the true translation depicts Chris encountering a Hunter? Is this stuff true? I can't read Spanish too well, and since all the proper translations are pictures, I can't/have the paitence to copy the entire thing through a translator to read if any major changes exist.
Could anyone possibly educate me on the matter? Thanks.Current writing project: Resident Evil: Origins (screenplay)
Here is the official English version that came with the collector's edition on the Sega Saturn.
"I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."
We can get a translation going if anyone has the original Japanese scans.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
The link above to the Spanish version indeed has artwork included that does show The back of a Hunter looking down at Chris and Jill along with Billy's injured/dead body. This is also subtitled as Chapter 7, which in the current English translation, is supposed to be after the cabin chapter. While I have complete faith that what is posted on PROJECT Umbrella is actually the English version for the Sega Saturn, it really does show an inconsistency, and that whoever originally did the translation back in the 90's most likely didn't follow everything from the original version.
Also, on that version, I could not find the scenes that Chris has with Billy's wife, which I saw as part of a translation in early 2001 or 2002. I believe there are two: one when he first finds the necklace clue, and another later after the Umbrella Headquarters scene. Wether these still exist, were official, or were just a fan's addition, has yet to be figured out.Current writing project: Resident Evil: Origins (screenplay)
I really want to read this entire thing, I just need to know one thing: Is the Spanish version a translation of "Resident Evil: The Book" or the original Japanese version.
I have spare time which I can use to make a pdf version of the book, and since the Spanish version is complete I could translate that and complete unfinished project.
Originally posted by chillock View PostI really want to read this entire thing, I just need to know one thing: Is the Spanish version a translation of "Resident Evil: The Book" or the original Japanese version.
I have spare time which I can use to make a pdf version of the book, and since the Spanish version is complete I could translate that and complete unfinished project.