Can't you go into RE4 (PC) with a program, which takes a screen cap in 3D space, and rip the models that way? I've heard of it being done. But haven't taken the time to try it myself.
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The Coroner
Last edited by News Bot; 05-02-2007, 04:01 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Dot50Cal View PostSomeone was able to get Rebecca out of the game at least, I think it was using that Universal Model Ripper + Dolphin emulator. Then then put her into Garry's Mod
Other than that though I dont think you can open then nativley..
I've gotten the majority of the characters from RE4 into max format (after a few hours of fixing the bloody models). As well as DMC3 stuff. I'd give the GC iterations of RER and RE0 a try but finding a working link to iso's of that nature is like looking for gold dust(and I do have them legitimately ... just cant be arsed to do it manually :3 )
Also, I'm still uploading the stuff, just havent had a chance to do so lately. Uni work/slow internet and the such =/Last edited by SureShot; 05-05-2007, 09:10 PM.
It doesn't matter if the files are PC or PSX, the models are in .emd format.
.ADT files ripped also. Will upload TAGGED
REOB models extracted. edited by Colvin; 05-16-2007, 10:15 PM.
A preview of something I've been working on. Best of all, it's from the PC version, something that hasen't really been explored yet. More soon.
BTW, does anyone know the name of the file that supposedly contains 1.5 room information from BIO2 demo?
A few things I've been working on... untagged. I'm really starting to get the hang of this. Mark, can you host the adts I converted (will upload)?
New camera angle.
What Ada's status screen looked like in beta. If you look at her old texture the watch strap changes from black in beta to red in final. (cleaned it up)
Tinkering with some stuff. More to come.
For those that didn't already know, St. Vampyre recently released his newest build of PMD Viewer.
The program now has the ability to export Wavefront OBJ with their corresponding MTL files, allowing for importing of models in 3DS Max, Milkshape, etc. Import functions are WIP, however.
Last edited by MeganGrass; 07-02-2007, 04:06 PM.I'm a blackstar.