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New Resident Evil Damnation Trailer

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  • New Resident Evil Damnation Trailer

    A new trailer for the RE Damnation movie has been released by Sony pictures on the official web site.
    クレジットカードは還元率こそ重要です。当サイトでは、クレジットカードの還元率に焦点を当てて、究極の1枚である2025年の最新のクレジットカードの還元率が最強のものをランキング形式にて紹介しています。最強還元率ランキングの中でも迷った場合は、還元率の高く色々と優待などが充実している、JCB CARD Wや楽天カードを選びましょう。クレジットカードは還元率や特典・補償の総合力でランキング付けをしております。

    You can view it in youtube form directly here, thanks to biohazardfrance
    Last edited by xfactor; 09-14-2012, 03:07 AM.

  • #2
    I love the idea of controlling some of the T-Virus variant B.O.W.s with the plagas. That licker vs T-103 fight looked awesome. Can't wait for the 25th.


    • #3
      The Licker vs. the Tyrant, makes me really want to know if we have 2 factions providing bioweapons here. Wan't there a shot of someone who looked like Simmons, way back? I wonder if he's connected to the Tyrant, while the Lickers and Plagas were obtained from Tricell.
      Last edited by Red-Jackal; 09-14-2012, 04:53 AM.


      • #4
        Did they just throw in a random Ashley "Leon" at the end then?
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
          Did they just throw in a random Ashley "Leon" at the end then?
          No, that is Hunnigans voice when he cuts her off on the phone.

          My theory:
          Leon infiltrates country, confirms presence of BOWs, notices them acting strangely and stays to investigate. He then recognises traits of Las Plagas which forces Buddy to reveal they have plaga samples and that Buddy has injected himself with a dominant species Plaga.

          The Lickers have all been given a Plaga so that Buddy can control them.

          The Slav Government somehow obtain a Tyrant to try and overthrow Buddy's faction.

          At the climax, the Tyrant seems impossible to defeat, so Buddy is forced to trigger his mutation to kill it and save Leon and the others.

          Interested to know what exactly Ada's role is though. I wonder why she is trying to infiltrate the Slav Government?

          All in all though, I think this is looking fantastic, the Lickers when presented in the darkness look excellent.
          Last edited by TheBatMan; 09-14-2012, 07:19 AM.
          "I've got 100 cows."
          "Well I've got 104 friends."


          • #6
            I guess we now know why they put Ada in a skirt. Sheesh.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              I guess we now know why they put Ada in a skirt. Sheesh.
              Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
              ^ Lol ...


              • #8
                Yeah that really does look so much fun. Completely over the top and I love it.
                Review and contributor for


                • #9
                  Awesome trailer, can't wait for this movie. I think TheBatman pretty much nailed the plot and it's looking good enough for me.


                  • #10
                    How I wish Tyrants were back on the games too. I almost jizzed when I saw him... Looking good!

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • #11
                      I think you are pretty much right BatMan, there's a new interview on the Japanese site that just might confirm that Buddy sacrifices himself(or gets shot by someone close). If anyone wants to try and officially translate it:

                      It also sounds like Ada was going to lure Leon somewhere, perhaps the warehouse with the tyrant?


                      • #12
                        The "confirmation" Leon receives about B.O.W.s being used was apparently planted by Ada to lure him there. She planted the corpse of a Licker in a warehouse which was caught on surveillance cameras by the U.S. government.

                        I am going to love the shit out of this movie.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 09-14-2012, 03:23 PM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #13
                          What I don't get is why the hell is Sony Home Entretainment Mexico changing the name of the movie to "Resident Evil: Infierno" and releasing it only on DVD... That's just dumb.
                          Guess I'll have to buy the (way more expensive) Bluray import. Or I'll print the english cover...

                          Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 09-15-2012, 05:14 AM.

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • #14
                            Why does Ada not look like her RE6 self when the two are being released so close to one another? The plot looks stupid and it was a mistake to whore Leon out once again.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by djepic112 View Post
                              Why does Ada not look like her RE6 self when the two are being released so close to one another? The plot looks stupid and it was a mistake to whore Leon out once again.
                              The past 2 main games and 6 have Chris as the protagonist, if anything Leon needs some time in the spotlight.

