In 1997, CAPCOM established a subsidiary company "FLAGSHIP" led by Yoshiki Okamoto with lead writer Noboru Sugimura. This company employed a number of professional screenwriters. Their first project was the scenario of Resident Evil 2, as well as a supplemental novel (BIO HAZARD The Wicked North Sea).
In 1999, they wrote and released two "alternative sequel" drama albums focused on the characters Sherry Birkin and Ada Wong after the events of RE2.
For Ada's drama album, it follows the premise that she lost Sherry's pendant (containing the G-virus) during the events of RE2. Subsequently, after escaping the city she gears up and makes her way to France to recapture the G-virus, alongside soldiers from the mysterious organization that hired her to recover the virus in the first place. A battle ensues between her and HUNK, in which HUNK is killed and the t-virus is leaked in a small local village, Loire Village. The story picks up from there.
Happy Halloween.
In 1999, they wrote and released two "alternative sequel" drama albums focused on the characters Sherry Birkin and Ada Wong after the events of RE2.
For Ada's drama album, it follows the premise that she lost Sherry's pendant (containing the G-virus) during the events of RE2. Subsequently, after escaping the city she gears up and makes her way to France to recapture the G-virus, alongside soldiers from the mysterious organization that hired her to recover the virus in the first place. A battle ensues between her and HUNK, in which HUNK is killed and the t-virus is leaked in a small local village, Loire Village. The story picks up from there.
Happy Halloween.