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RE Revelations 2 at Tokyo Game Show 2014 in Playable form

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  • RE Revelations 2 at Tokyo Game Show 2014 in Playable form

    RE Revelations 2 has been shown during Sony Pre-TGS show. It is only in teaser form, and Capcom stated that there are secrets waiting to be discovered in the teaser.

    It will be in playable form at TGS, and is scheduled for release early 2015.

    - Both Jill and Chris will not be returning,and the teaser hint at the zombie appearance.
    - confirmed for PS4,PS3,Steam,XBox 360, Xbox One

    Official web site here
    RE Revelations 2

    REmake HD Remastered

    Footage for REmake HD Remastered
    The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! Thrill to all the original chills and spills in this remastered update of the classic Resident Evil ...

    RE Revelations 2 Concept Teaser
    This concept teaser trailer portrays the essence of Resident Evil Revelations 2. Hidden secrets beckon to be discovered by anyone with eyes and wits sharp en...
    Last edited by xfactor; 09-01-2014, 09:13 AM.

  • #2
    classic zombies are always welcome.


    • #3
      Chris having a cameo is very likely, considering...
      Last edited by Vito; 09-01-2014, 03:56 AM.


      • #4
        Zombie appearance with no chris or jill in sight, count me in !


        • #5
          Nice try, Hinzman!


          • #6
            Screens?! Please show. An "early" 2015 release date probably will turn into summer 2015.


            • #7
              Trailer is a waste of time but I like that Jill & Chris are gone.


              • #8
                I spy Terrasave ;p


                • #9
                  The zombies are wielding melee weapons so they are not that classic.


                  • #10
                    Terra-save reference - hope Claire makes a cameo at least..

                    Although Capcom have said they are making completely new cast and location for this game (awww, would have loved Claire as a Main character)

                    Classic zombies are back - although I spotted one in the back, near the end, holding a bat/stick ... better not be another Ganado's thing - I'd prefer RE6 zombies with low intelligence at the very least if they are to wield weapons (house of the dead style I guess, just no guns this time)

                    Those glowing bracelets look intersting also - maybe a virus meter/indicator..?

                    I spotted a cool thing right at the end (last few seconds as the zombie close up appears) As the girl points, a bullet flies towards the zombie (slow motion a.l.a Matrix effect) Pretty neat.
                    Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 09-01-2014, 09:01 AM.
                    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                    • #11
                      Lessee here...

                      - Obvious Zenobia reference on the wall.
                      - Green wrist bracelets. As RaccoonSurvivor said, maybe a virus indicator of sorts? Because the zombies' lights are red while the living people have green ones.
                      - TerraSave logo. Perhaps another terrorist attack on protesters?
                      - Got what looks like a prison guard and a prisoner attacking a zombie. Gonna turn into an Assault on Precinct 13 situation? Could these be our protagonists or at least someone we meet in the story?
                      - Obvious prison bars are obvious, but the "Evil is Watching" and logo both look like CCTV security footage to hammer in the prison setting.


                      • #12
                        Ah I just seen the trailer, the capcom logo transitioning into black and white I think is a big hint we may be taking a trip into the past?


                        • #13
                          Seems to be the way with Revelations anyway, as a "trip into the past" that is. Either way I'm looking forward to this cause I enjoyed RE:R...


                          • #14
                            Is that Rachael in the background at the beginning?

                            33 seconds in?


                            • #15
                              I think we have agreed that is indeed Rachael. Her hair is too bizarre for it not to be.

