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New RE5 Trailer!

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  • #46
    Odd but its definitely there, without the Japanese on the side :0


    • #47
      According to Takeuchi, if, after seeing the E3 trailer, you feel RE5 looks like RE4 now, you'll be left with a completely different impression following the next trailer.
      Oh yeah? That next trailer better be damned impressive then. Beyond the pretty visuals, this game is totally unimpressive for me as a Biohazard game. Just like BH4.

      Bunch of crap if you ask me.

      While in some ways I do understand, I still find it kind of odd. Half don't like the changes, alternativity, and crap done to the RE movies (I still think they are alright movies, just not as respectful to the BH name as they could/should have been), but these same people that hate them seem to completely accept and love the radical alterations from BH4 (and spilling into BH5) under the guise of "the old formula was getting stale, it was time for a new direction". That's crap.

      RE4 could (and should) have f'in been called "Parasite" or something appropriate and toss out the mention of Umbrella, change Leon's look and name him Joe, change Ada's look and name her Jane, and again remove the reference to Wesker and you've got a game totally unrelated to Biohazard at all in all aspects.

      Sure the gameplay was fun, it was visually impressive, and the atmosphere could be alright at times. But if that's all it takes for you to accept anything next that Capcom is gonna throw at you under the name of Biohazard, then, well, that's your perogative.

      Kinda funny, I mentioned to a couple of people also that the characters are starting to suffer from what I call the 3B syndrom. We went from average police characters with nothing really special about them and similar average type people starring in the games, to characters being tailored towards the 3Bs! Buff (Chris in BH5 who looks like he's been doing nothing but pumping iron and eating steroid bars), Badass (Leon and his amazingly upgraded combat and athletic skills (jumping around, roundhousing, somersaulting out of windows np, in BH4), and Busty/Beauty (Ashley and 'Sherry' blond and busty, and Ada running around in a f'in red sexy dress in BH4 which was unnecessary). Guess that's what it takes to give the majority of current-gen their kicks.

      That's just my opinion, and I'm in a bad mood atm. If you disagree with anything, that's cool. Just wanted to get that stuff off my chest.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
        While in some ways I do understand, I still find it kind of odd. Half don't like the changes, alternativity, and crap done to the RE movies (I still think they are alright movies, just not as respectful to the BH name as they could/should have been), but these same people that hate them seem to completely accept and love the radical alterations from BH4 (and spilling into BH5) under the guise of "the old formula was getting stale, it was time for a new direction". That's crap.
        BH4 was a change in the saga style. RE movies are completely incoherent with the game and rewrite all the main story and characters' roles. These are 2 different things...


        • #49
          It's why I said I do have some understanding of it, but I still look at it that both are a departure from what BH was. I agree that the changes made in RE2 movie from direct RE3 lore was a bad idea, but the first movie could be taken as standalone. Only thing that was controversial about that movie was the Hive's existence (unless it was part of the lab from RE2) and possibly the existence of the anti-virus, but other than that, it would have worked alright though it still could have been improved in aspects such as more creatures and direct zombie action (instead of having most everyone killed by lasers). My point is basically if the roles were reversed, and Capcom had made a game about the first movie and someone made a RE movie with the las plagas, the idea of the movie would have been just as absurd to those and the game probably would have been accepted fine (obviously it would be a bit different, with necessities for gameplay added, but still). Of course, that is a 'what if' scenario, and I do not know for sure, but that is how I feel the outcome would have been.

          That might have been a bad comparison with the movies vs. games in general, though I think some of the points can still be valid.

          My opinion is just that we are getting to a point where I personally believe a lack of foresight for the series is hurting it more than anything. It would be different situation if when they discovered the success of the series that they sat down and wrote a complete story that they would follow over time no matter which group in their company worked on the next title, but it seems to me that they are just making it up as they go with only a few aspects of consistency with the story.

          These days, in order to please the mass generation of gaming, a great game has to be polished. While I know there are some exceptions, major hit titles are taking a long time to produce because of this. Length of time for production, inconsistent studios/producers/ect. working on the same name game, and such lead to very bad extended story telling without such a thing as what I mentioned in the above paragraph.

          After 5 main games (BH1-3,CV,0) hardly getting any closer to a conclusion, they finally decided they were tired of the formula they were using, and instead of creating a final game or at least a game based on that formula that could finish that story arc, they just gave us a couple minute prologue that Umbrella had been destroyed above ground and gave us a side-story completely unrelated to general BH except for a few names. Sure, like I said before, the game was visually impressive, had fun gameplay, and such, but it was not a Biohazard game at its core.

          This, to me, seems to really have been accepted because of the graphics and gameplay being great. I find this funny because I mostly ever heard that most players played this game for its story (or for the zombies) and a lot of people hated its gameplay (at least, esp. the fixed camera angles and controls). So when they swap it, having great gameplay and a story with practically nothing related with the previous story anymore, it somehow is a big hit.

          Back to a previous point because of that, if RE4 was merely a game set to give the possible rise to a parasite (las plagas) and virus combination (which is silly to have a whole game just for that), then I'm disappointed. As I said, games are taking far too long to make anymore to continue to keep things unanswered or extend storytelling. I realize obviously it's just a business practice, and if a game is fun then who cares, but I guess people like me are a bit bitter that these kinds of things happen. To me, in this case, it's like if I went to go to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and I get a prologue stating Frodo destroyed the ring and Sauron was defeated 10,000 years ago and it starts playing some kind of modern day or futuristic story about the descendant of Aragorn or some other such bullcrap that just wasn't what the first two movies in this arc were about (medieval fantasy). I would not be a happy person.

          Capcom even slightly realized this mistake and are creating UC to supposedly bridge the gap. But... they fail again. Making it a light gun shooter, changing aspects of the games, esp. story elements (I guarantee there will be contradictions and major general changes), to explain things and what seems to be inconsistent graphics and just little stupid quirks (things like that Dot mentioned), ect.

          Then now we have BH5. Will take another year or two to complete and release, and unless it ends the series, won't see another main story game for likely another half a decade while side-studios produce half-ass side-story games bearing the name that continue to riddle the series with plot holes, inconsistency, and souring the milk.

          They're just riding the Biohazard namesake now. Sure it's a great business marketing scheme to keep dragging this story out (and really not even caring about it anyway), and that's what it's all about. Just sad that when they realized dragging it out for the story wasn't working, they hid that fault with amazing next-gen graphics and gameplay.

          That's all for now, as I'm sure that's far more than enough for most of you. I know half of you probably won't read any of it cause it's too long. :p


          • #50
            Spot on Alzaire, you summed up my thoughts with a lot more articulation than I could muster


            • #51
              Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
              Oh yeah? That next trailer better be damned impressive then. Beyond the pretty visuals, this game is totally unimpressive for me as a Biohazard game. Just like BH4.
              Join the club. The last Biohazard game was File 2, and that was the end of it. I still refuse to put RE4 in the same category as the rest of the series. I didn't care much for the storyline to begin with, but I loved the gameplay and still do. Hence why I actually enjoyed the Outbreak games very much.

              RE4 was a great game overall, but it's just isn't the Biohazard that held my interest since 96. The old games are still there for me to enjoy. All I need is BH2 on the DS, since the original is truly fantastic on the platform.

              BH4's relative ease of gameplay made it the darling of the press and most gamers alike. With that said, I'm hoping for some real challenge in RE5; not just QTE related deaths.
              Last edited by Umon Daisuke; 07-26-2007, 07:35 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                That's all for now, as I'm sure that's far more than enough for most of you. I know half of you probably won't read any of it cause it's too long. :p
                Well.. I do read it all, and i couldn't be more agree.


                • #53
                  You know, I had a rather long post explaining why Resident Evil 4 is no less of a Resident Evil game than any other game in the series, and that "hardcore fans" who think so are no less "hardcore" than the "hardcore fans" who hated the game. Then I realized, what's the point? Nothing I type is going to change your minds, nothing you type is going to change my mind.

                  I guess all I basically wanted to say was that there are some longtime fans who are happy with the direction Capcom has taken the series, and not because they were tired of the old gameplay mechanics and/or story, mind you. And I, for one, certainly don't feel like I've been betrayed or abandoned by Capcom in any way. I'm clearly in the minority, though.


                  • #54
                    i guess i'm in the minority, too. i don't have a problem with it, but it's a bit anachronistic to wish for the same format. obviously, i love the old games, but i'll defend the saga, because it hasn't really let me down too bad yet. plus, people like to expirement. look at the legend of zelda:windwaker; completely different style, some liked and some disliked. same with RE4, different, yes, but really so bad? i, personally, don't think so.


                    • #55
                      RE4 was a fine game that didnt need the RE title, as other then some character names and some minute references, it just wasnt a Resident Evil game.


                      • #56
                        You're missing the point. RE4 is a great game, and I'll definitely be getting RE5, but they're not in the same league as the old games.

                        That's strictly speaking of gameplay, but if someone followed the storyline religiously and wanted a proper closure, you can surely understand their frustration.

                        I don't feel "betrayed" or any other nonesense. It's a game series, and as long as I have fun with it, I'm going to follow it. I firmly believe that the old games are superior, but that's a matter of preference.

                        When I crave real action, I play DMC or NG. Action shooters aren't my thing, but RE4 had a good balance of action and adventure to keep the overall game very entertaining.


                        • #57
                          Yeah it looks good, though it's sad we won't ever see a game like RE1-RECV again (most likely anyway)..

                          That's not good news about the host Dot. I don't think they will budge on the issue because of the type of host they are. How much bandwidth did you use? If you ever get a dedicated server the best ones to get are from


                          • #58
                            Hardly any, they just think that the subdomain will use too much system resources which is not true at all, its all videos ffs! Anyway no response from them , Still waiting.


                            • #59
                              That's just bad customer service really.. I should know since that's what I do to pay my bills... That's of course when emails arrive within our hours of operation... If the office is closed, they just stack up till we come in the morning... Sucks, but we can't pay people to work 24/7... It'd be nice, but it's not a smart business move...


                              • #60
                                Emailed them during business hours. Over 12 hours ago now, still waiting :|

