CVXFreak has once again delivered some shots of the new Famitsu far ahead of the official release date (Thank you porno shops in Japan who don't care about release dates!) The latest batch centers around a Richard and Rebecca scenario.
The scans show Rebbecca making her way to the mansions entrance through the forest surrounding it while encountering numerous enemies. It appears that Yawn will play a prominent role in the scenario, with it following you around. Ultimately, she links up with Richard and we will probably find out how Richard was wounded as he was in Resident Evil 1.
Thanks to CVXFreak for the pictures and Ridley W. Hayes for the heads up!
After you are done collecting all your candies tonight, be sure to stop buy for a new, humorous video related to GBC.
The scans show Rebbecca making her way to the mansions entrance through the forest surrounding it while encountering numerous enemies. It appears that Yawn will play a prominent role in the scenario, with it following you around. Ultimately, she links up with Richard and we will probably find out how Richard was wounded as he was in Resident Evil 1.
Thanks to CVXFreak for the pictures and Ridley W. Hayes for the heads up!
After you are done collecting all your candies tonight, be sure to stop buy for a new, humorous video related to GBC.