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Umbrella Chronicles abbreviated intro's

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
    First off, that isn't even a spoiler. Secondly, you must not be paying attention if you cannot connect the dots here. They have shown practically the entire set piece for the first two scenarios so if you are telling me that I cannot judge that they have heavily retconned or otherwise made a mockery of the original plot through the EIGHT official trailers in light of the latest one then I hold no faith for your observational skills. It is obvious and has been obvious from the at least the second trailer that UC is deviant from commonly known RE canon.

    Certainly you shouldn't condemn a game by its trailer but you shouldn't be transparent to it either. I saw the Lair trailers. The first couple looked interesting, the gameplay videos looked downright boring and I was right. The game was downright boring. Perhaps its not an exact science but have the confidence in your own intelligence to judge the merits of the trailers given to you.


    • #32
      Well for instance Spoiler:


      • #33
        My god, I can't wait for next Tuesday. Will stores likely have it for me to run in and grab Tuesday morning?
        If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


        • #34
          Probably 1 day after the ship date.


          • #35
            Yea, expect it to be in stores Wednesday and only a select few will be able to get it on the ship date (11/13).
            Last edited by GalacticAE; 11-04-2007, 04:32 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
              Well for instance Spoiler:
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #37
                Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                If you do add something else, and it's never been mentioned before, it's not retconning.


                • #38
                  high profile marketing

                  anyone else think capcom has released too many trailers for this? I've lost count and it seems they want to give it all away. I've watched every one up to the Wesker trailer.


                  • #39
                    Well they haven't, unless you know that

                    I have only watched the original three ones that AREN'T gameplay and the Wesker one.


                    • #40
                      I'm trying not to see too much but it's difficult for us Aussies who have to wait till Dec-13. I look forward to reading the first few reviews from Gamespot & IGN, aswell as the views of THIA members when the game is released.
                      My impressions of the game have changed a bit since reading some of the more recent information. Rather than being the all inclusive wrap up of RE history that I first thought it would be, it now seems more like Gun Survivor2. I'm SURE it will be a LOT better than that game but I mean it could be similar in the way of a mish-mash of characters, monsters and plot from RE0 to RE3 (the way Survivor2 was a mish-mash of RE-CV).
                      I agree with Krispy, that the game could be more about entertainment and all action gameplay, rather than plot... The extra story content should be canon but the return of previous story sections will probably be altered to make co-op play more enjoyable and fit the arcade feel. I just hope Capcom dosn't re-write history TOO much because as any real fan knows, this can be very annoying.


                      • #41
                        I'd take the orginals as canon over this, unless things are covered that haven't been in previous games.

                        ie Spoiler:

                        In short, believe it to be canon unless there is any reason not to. Sort of works for the outbreak scenarios. Some obviously didn't happen like Desperate times or Below Freezing Point, but as for Hellfire, who cares if four people escaped from the Apple Inn or not? It has no real bearing on the story of the main games. Umbrella Chronicles is obviously alot closer to the bone.


                        • #42
                          ...I just hope Thomas Wilde has given up on his Plot Analysis by now. If he hasn't I'm sure this would be enough to tell him not to worry anymore :p


                          • #43
                            Are you nuts? His plot analysis is one of the funniest and best pieces of writing that man has ever produced, and believe me, I'd know. I've been following his work for years. Hell, I've even corresponded with the guy on numerous occasions.

                            In any case, I look forward to seeing how he attempts to wrap his head around UC.


                            • #44
                              So far, from the videos i've seen, the game looks very fun, and growing up with the game and watching it remade (not 0 or 1, but 3, my fav) it gives it a nostalgic feel compared to resident evil 4, which was awesome but so different from the other games (and i'm not complaining) but there still are some issues that have been discussed here that, in my opinion, could improve the game even further.

                              1. WHERE'S RESIDENT EVIL 2 AND CODE VERONICA??? (aren't they vital to the downfall of Umbrella, or in CV's case the creators of it?)

                              2.on the same note, WHERE'S LEON AND CLAIRE? many who have become RE fans from Resident Evil 4 and would probably wonder what game he was in, and Claire is vital to the story too because she dealt with the destruction of Raccoon City.

                              3. It doesn't make sense that they would make new characters just to kill them off in one game unless they were unimportant, and considering the past games never talked much about the people behind Umbrella, they should talked about them in the past games (sergei made UBCS, so he could have been mentioned in 3)

                              despite all of this stuff i talked about, i still CAN'T WAIT FOR RE UC!!! so excited, only days now!!!


                              • #45
                                They introduced marcus in 0 and killed him off.

