The latest issue of Famitsu comes early once again, thanks to CVXFreak. This latest batch centers around Ada Wong's scenario. I won't say anymore, since its quite clear what game it takes place in and since its so close to release we want to watch the spoilers. Be warned, if you enter the forum topic for this post then prepare to see untagged spoilers about this scenario!
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Famitsu Scans reveal Ada's UC Scenario
It will be nice to see how Ada survived a gun-shot, a massive fall, and still ends up obtaining and red virus? It couldn't be the G-Virus, in Bio2 it's purple, if memory serves correctly. Interesting...
Every time I see new information on new scenarios it really makes me wish this was a traditional RE game.I'm a blackstar.
Well we know that Wesker rescues her. But what is the deal with this virus? Goddamn it, I like graphical consistency!
EDIT: You know whats cool though? This happens around the second part of RE3, so mayhaps we will get so see some Jill, or even more likely someone from UBCS ala Outbreaks Nikolai appearing out of context. God they screwed up the time line on that one.
I think that this is the first time Im actually excited about UC. I didnt really care for it before... it was just sort of there, I hope we get to see the lab area a bit more, considering it has like a billion levels and she had to land somewhere.Last edited by Saint_Eve; 11-07-2007, 08:41 AM.
It is the G-VIRUS, and the people complaining it is not identical to the RE2 G-VIRUS, have you ever heard of Master samples... It sure is different because this sample is special, they can study it, and reproduce the virus with this, while the other sample was just for test subjects. Of course Hunk took the other sample, and it could be studied but think of the master sample as a more "complete" material for research.
I don't think it's the G-Virus. She seems to aquire it in the...Apple Inn?
Also, she still has her stockings from RE2, they're just...alot lighter xD
I also wonder who the guy she seems to have shot is. White hair. But doesn't look like Sergei.
I'll be so pissed if that's the G-Virus. I love my graphical consistency. And what's up with the retarded double helix shape for a canister? also lmfao @ casing being bigger than the sample itself. I liked how it looked in RE2 much better. Purple and in an almost standard test tube.
Also wtf @ Ada being able to jump around like that even though she's so bandaged up. She also only has one eye available to look around with. I'll bet they won't even take that into account xD And epic failure for using her terrible RE4 render of her RE2 outfit. You do not wear high heels in a situation like that. Ever. Her average RE2 outfit fit the situation, and didn't make it ridiculously obvious that she was either a whore or an agent of some sort.. It makes me sick that they're throwing logic and consistency out the window in favor of making it all "omg so cool" and appealing to a supposedly "wider" audience (aka stupid). Thank god barely any of this is going to be canon, visually at least.Last edited by News Bot; 11-07-2007, 10:16 AM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
I agree with you CiarenDevlin - Ada doing somersaults when she's all bandaged up (and probably heavily wounded) is ridiculous :/.
Also, I don't like her new "RE4 version of RE2 outfit" too. But then, Capcom made her wearing long red dress on her mission in RE4, so it's no surprise they have choosen this version of her RE2 outfit :/. As you have said, they are making it "omg that's cool". (in one of the making of RE4 someone have said, that they wanted to make every Leon's move and line to look/sound "cool").
Because it contains the G-Virus AGENT AND THE ANTI-AGENT
and plagas have nothing to do with g-virus rendering comparisons of g-virus and plagas useless...
Also, I don't know if your "agent and anti agent" statement was replying to me talking about the double helix shape of the vial, but if it was, you're wrong. Have you ever seen the movies? The "lol double helix mother fucker because we want shit to look cool" crap didn't make a difference. It was still just a single vial filled with a virus that is going to own an entire city.Last edited by News Bot; 11-07-2007, 01:34 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
There is nothing stupid in having an anti-virus... specially if the virus was artificially created, and created for the purpose of bioweapon research...
And you seem so sure G-virus doesn´t have an anti-virus but have you played Claire´s scenario A of RE2?
There is a G-virus vaccine they gave to Sherry to stop G-virus infection they called it the DEVIL vaccine...
Also g-virus became Birkin private research, umbrella was there to take it from him... So it was Birkin who also created the anti-virus.... T-virus is a whole different matter, try not to just mix things too much, okay? We are talking about G-virus not Plagas or T-virus.
Again you are wrong, they specifically showed the double helix vial when Alice mentioned there was a cure for the virus...
No need to make your "lol" remarks to try and discredit me. Just go pay attention to the stuff in the games/movies and you will see there is no need to argue about g-virus color changes.
Err.. Didn't you cure Sherry with the antidote to the G-Virus at the end of the game? I doubt Leon has the know how to create that un-aidedIts been a while since I played RE2 but Im pretty sure theres a cure for the G-Virus, at least documented in the game somewhere to help you to make it.
Remember in Weskers Report, Wesker mentions that Ada still had use, so he had to "save her". What that entails in anyones guess but I wouldn't be surprised if she was given some viral aid. Though the bandages make me wonder what ending she received (the fall, or the electrocution).
As for the guy she is approaching, it looks like Nicholai to me. At least, how he looked in Outbreak (which was pretty different looking).Last edited by Dot50Cal; 11-07-2007, 02:57 PM.
Err.. Didn't you cure Sherry with the antidote to the G-Virus at the end of the game?
There is nothing stupid in having an anti-virus... specially if the virus was artificially created, and created for the purpose of bioweapon research...
Again you are wrong, they specifically showed the double helix vial when Alice mentioned there was a cure for the virus...
There is no anti-virus to the G-Virus. It's pretty ridiculous considering the fact that not even the T-Virus had sufficient anti-virus' at the time (before the Outbreak).
G-VACCINE,CODE NAMED "DEVIL"Unless rejected by the host,the embryo will undertake a process of gradual
cellular invasion,infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites
their DNA.Once the metomorphosis is complete,the host will be capable of continuing
this cycle of self-reproducting.
Purple and Green.
Unknown Virus
Red AND Blue
If it's either of Birkin's creations, i'll be deeply surprised. Because firstly, the mixture of red and blue makes very little sense. Secondly, Wesker retrieved the G-Virus from Birkin's carcass. Unless they want to retcon THAT or atleast, have a stupid plot twist that pisses Ada off.Last edited by News Bot; 11-07-2007, 03:28 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
About the Red and Blue color being different from Purple and Green, maybe it looks different because it is stored in this double helix vial which is different from the common vials, green can look like blue and purple similar to red.
Also that part where you mentioned Wesker retrieved the G-Virus from Birkin's carcass maybe right, but what if it was Ada and not Wesker? Seems to me Wesker only orders her to retrieve the sample.
And perhaps that double helix vial was necessary to retrieve the sample from Birkin´s remains.... We don´t know how exactly this is done, maybe that is why the sample looks different too, that is in case it is really taken from birkin´s remains and not the other theory of the g-virus agent and anti-agent sample.Last edited by Barrymaycry; 11-07-2007, 03:44 PM.