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Wii sales figures for UC and RE4

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  • Wii sales figures for UC and RE4

    IGN has revealed the new NPD numbers for the month of November in their latest Wiik in review podcast. In it they break down the Umbrella Chronicles sales which reached 140,000 in the US alone, making it a fairly large success. Not to be outdone, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition comes in at over 400,000 (lifetime). Chances are with such high numbers we haven't seen the last of Resident Evil on the Wii.

  • #2
    A remake of 2 and 3 with RE4-style controls, please!


    • #3
      no RE2 and RE3 REmake style


      • #4
        Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
        no RE2 and RE3 REmake style
        I don't care what style they use, just remake them, and remake them good. It's about time we saw a detailed model of G1 William Birkin.


        • #5
          A remake of RE2/3 with REmake gameplay would own.

          But RE4 gameplay? Fuck that.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #6
            That's actually a fairly LOW figure. RE4 Wii sold better in the first month, and UC is a brand new game. That coupled with the lackluster JPN sales doesn't quite bode well for the game's sales.

            I'm sure given the Wii's user base, we'll see a proper RE game down the road. If anything, the discrepancy in sales will deter them from doing another glorified light gun game.


            • #7
              I say remake RE2 RE4 style.
              Remake's control system is horrifically outdated.


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                I say remake RE2 RE4 style.
                Remake's control system is horrifically outdated.
                RE4's control system is the exact same as REmake's.

                RE4 gameplay (shoot everything like a hapless idiot) would just kill the entire RE2 experience.
                Last edited by News Bot; 12-15-2007, 01:19 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #9
                  and that they'd have to completely restructure the game, seeing as how the RE4 gameplay mechanics ideally require REALLY open spaces. Something RE2 didn't have far and beyond.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                    RE4's control system is the exact same as REmake's.

                    RE4 gameplay (shoot everything like a hapless idiot) would just kill the entire RE2 experience.
                    I know its the same :p.
                    But from the REmake angles etc and so on, I really don't think the remake would be any good especially when you have to map it onto Wii controls *hence, duh*


                    • #11
                      I hope RE4 on the Wii sells a million or two or three or.....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by surgicalhorror View Post
                        I hope RE4 on the Wii sells a million or two or three or.....

                        It'll just give Capcom more insentive to make another badly done game.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #13
                          I'm not against another RE game on the Wii but PLEASE Capcom...
                          PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, NO MORE REMAKES!!!
                          I know a lot of you guys want them and if done right they would be great (RE2 with graphics better than REmake). But I could almost guarantee that they would F**k it up!
                          They would change everything...
                          Just enjoy RE2 & RE3 for what they are. Great CLASSIC games!

                          btw, I've kinda already had remakes of those 2 games, because I spent years playing them both on Playstation (I've got RE2 on pc but I guess my computer or graphics card is crap because it dosn't look much different). So when I got them on the Gamecube, it was the 1st time I had seen them in their highest quality.
                          I was like, "Wow, this looks awesome!"
                          They still look pretty good by todays standards too.

                          They could fill in one of the many holes in the RE time-line with other stories or side stories on the Wii. Or even UC2 would be preferable to another remake, IMO.

                          ps, I'm not gonna get RE4 on the Wii because I reckon the Wiimote sucks ass! Give me a controller or a REAL god damn light gun!

