Reporting their earnings for the year, Capcom divulged the worldwide sales figures for Umbrella Chronicles. The title has reached 950,000 copies sold to date which is much stronger than their sales estimate of 620,000. What this means is Resident Evil is likely to have a permanent home on the Wii, in one form or another.
No announcement yet.
Umbrella Chronicles sales "made a strong showing"
not too bad, i've not gone out to buy myself a copy of u.c but i've seen countless videos and pictures based on the game and to me it looks like a great adition to the resident evil series. About it being on the wii, i guess isn't that bad but to be honest i prefered resident evil 4 on the gamecube then the wii, but if we had more gun shooters for the wii that explained the story of resident evil 4 and 5 in the future then i'd like to see that, maybe explain more on the less played games such as r.e.s aswell because that game had a wicked tyrant in it.
Well, I'm half expecting Resident Evil: S.T.A.R.S/B.S.A.A or something, featuring 2, CV and 4. It seems to be Capcom's favorite tactics...give half a game, see how it goes, then release the second half as the sequel. This one would, obviously, focus on the good guys more than Umbrella Chronicles did.
Pity the game itself sucks dick. Hopefully if they keep the series on the Wii, they ditch the rail-shooting gameplay.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
I think RE:UC is pretty awesome!! i´m glad to revisit racoon city, but i´m a little disapointed because they don´t show any RE3 places (xcept for the RPD) and there is no RE2 scenario.
The other characters like barry are not shown because is just RE old games all put together, so that means they have to focus in the most important characters.
And i agree with Darkmoon!! i hope they make a RE:UC about RE2, RECV, RE4 and RE5
"Woah, it's a zombie! *bang bang* Wow, what was that Jill?"
"Look, It's some sort of POWERFUL weapon *gives AMMO*"
Barry is a classic.
And about the matter of UC, Biohazard 2 wasn't included because Claire and Leon split up, and it's canon they did, yes yes, they put Jill and Carlos together, but what if UC is the actual canon and Biohazard 3: Last Escape is non-canon apart from some things? They never really admitted that they never went together or did; like they admitted for Claire and Leon splitting up. But they COULD have had two extra scenario's with Claire A and Leon B...The one where you play as one character.
yes resi 3 was actually some evil ploy to make us all want 1.5 more ¬_¬ damn capcom lol, I dunno but after mikami left after 4 came out the series went downhill, first extinction which was just day of the dead RE style, UC totally lost the cannon think of all the new players not knowing any of the actual characters from the originals