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CVG's Resident Evil 5 Preview

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  • CVG's Resident Evil 5 Preview

    CVG has published a preview of the Playstation 3 version of Resident Evil 5. For the most part, its all regurgitated information that we have all heard/seen before, except for one interesting thing they mention. A cover system is in place in the build they played.
    One worrying problem is that the game still feels a little awkward, not learning as much from Uncharted's excellent third-person action-adventuring as we'd hope. It lacks the smoothness of its peers, and while the cover-system is present, it better be slickened up a fair bit before release to compete with Vegas 2 and Uncharted.

    Check out more at CVG. Thanks, Sunglasses!

  • #2
    I find this preview rather suspect, and it's not the first time from CVG, either.

    The last time they wrote a preview for RE5, they were just making assumptions based solely on the CAPTIVATE trailer and passing them off as fact. To date, they're the only site/publication to make mention of a cover system (they mentioned it in their last preview as well). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were doing the same thing with the E3 trailer that they did with the CAPTIVATE one.


    • #3
      But you also said that Archelon when GamesRadar (part of the CVG network) jumped the gun with the online co-op article. So ya know, they could easily have had a recent hands on with the game.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
        But you also said that Archelon when GamesRadar (part of the CVG network) jumped the gun with the online co-op article. So ya know, they could easily have had a recent hands on with the game.
        Or they could've just gotten lucky guessing that the game would have online co-op, which I think is far more likely. That article was also the one that mentioned the cover system as well as the right analog stick God Hand-style dodge mechanic. Takeuchi openly stated that there was no such dodge system in the game, as the game would still rely on QTE's for any and all dodging.

        And we've not seen hide nor hair of this supposed cover system, despite the fact that the game has been playable at two trade shows (three if you count CAPTIVATE). Why a playable build that was supposedly only given to GamesRadar before E3 would have it implemented, but not the demo that was shown at E3 and GC is especially strange. Then take into account the fact that Capcom has never once made any mention of a cover system, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that CVG is just pulling it out of their collective rears.

        Hmm, now that I think about it, I wonder if when I am proven right/wrong, I will get a similar tag as ElusionM, ha.
        Last edited by Archelon; 08-31-2008, 02:56 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Archelon View Post
          Or they could've just gotten lucky guessing that the game would have online co-op, which I think is far more likely.
          Yes. They got lucky. They saw a few seconds of Sheva in a trailer, loads of gameplay footage featuring just Chris, and thought to themselves "Let's make up a story of the game having online co-op and see what happens"? A respected videogames website, part of a huge network owned by one of the UK's biggest publishing houses? You really think that's likely?

          It's timing is just the result of GamesRader jumping the gun and posting BEFORE a press embargo, that's all. Not a lucky guess.

          Originally posted by Archelon View Post
          Why a playable build that was supposedly only given to GamesRadar before E3 would have it implemented, but not the demo that was shown at E3 and GC is especially strange.
          The idea that you think a playable build would just be "given to" GR like that is enough proof to me that you don't know what you're talking about here. ANY build that's playable of this game would ONLY be playable under Capcom's very own eyes, be it behind closed doors or gaming conventions.

          Originally posted by Archelon View Post
          Hmm, now that I think about it, I wonder if when I am proven right/wrong, I will get a similar tag as ElusionM, ha.
          Or just getting laughed out of the bulding like Istashious Boy, sounds more reasonable.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
            Yes. They got lucky. They saw a few seconds of Sheva in a trailer, loads of gameplay footage featuring just Chris, and thought to themselves "Let's make up a story of the game having online co-op and see what happens"? A respected videogames website, part of a huge network owned by one of the UK's biggest publishing houses? You really think that's likely?

            It's timing is just the result of GamesRader jumping the gun and posting BEFORE a press embargo, that's all. Not a lucky guess.
            Internet, Big Stu. Big Stu, Internet. I thought you'd met.

            Considering just about every gaming site and publication immediately thought online co-op (and wrote as much) when they saw Chris and Sheva together in the trailer, it's not as big of a stretch as you apparently think it is to say CVG/GamesRadar thought the exact same thing. However, instead of noting that they were merely speculating like everyone else, they decided to claim it was confirmed.

            The idea that you think a playable build would just be "given to" GR like that is enough proof to me that you don't know what you're talking about here. ANY build that's playable of this game would ONLY be playable under Capcom's very own eyes, be it behind closed doors or gaming conventions.
            I fail to see how this in any way negates my point or "is enough proof that I don't know what I'm talking about here." It doesn't make any difference if GamesRadar played the demo under the watchful eyes of Capcom or not. If anything, playing the game with Capcom present only serves to discredit GamesRadar's journalistic integrity even further, because they wrote about features that were outright denied by the game's producer.

            If Capcom had indeed sent CVG/GR a demo prior to E3, it's just plain stupid to think that it would have features that weren't even present in the E3 build. It doesn't make much sense for Capcom to remove features that they're only going to reimplement later on just for a single demo, which is apparently what happened, if CVG's latest "preview" is to be believed.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              I fail to see how this in any way negates my point or "is enough proof that I don't know what I'm talking about here." It doesn't make any difference if GamesRadar played the demo under the watchful eyes of Capcom or not.
              It serves to show that you're stupid enough to think Capcom would just hand over preview code to people who're only going to make things up as they go along. Get it now? ;)

              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              If anything, playing the game with Capcom present only serves to discredit GamesRadar's journalistic integrity even further, because they wrote about features that were outright denied by the game's producer.
              Like what? Oh the damn co-op rumour that never came true, right? What else has the game's producer denied? The cover system? You're more likely to find he's neither confirmed or denied it yet.

              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              If Capcom had indeed sent CVG/GR a demo prior to E3, it's just plain stupid to think that it would have features that weren't even present in the E3 build.
              And again i say, PRESS EMBARGO. There would've been things that GR will have seen that would've been covered by a PRESS EMBARGO. GR just released the information (by accident or not) ahead of the time when the PRESS EMBARGO would have lifted.

              I suggested you look up what an embargo is, it might help you to understand things a little clearer.

              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              It doesn't make much sense for Capcom to remove features that they're only going to reimplement later on just for a single demo, which is apparently what happened, if CVG's latest "preview" is to be believed.
              Perhaps take a second to think back to the latest demos we've seen and ask yourself "Where exactly would the cover system be needed"? It's not as if Chris and Sheva are being hunted down by gun toting Maginees is it? It's not as if there was every the chance to take cover considering the ammount of people hunting them down now was it?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
                It serves to show that you're stupid enough to think Capcom would just hand over preview code to people who're only going to make things up as they go along. Get it now? ;)
                Except I don't think Capcom actually gave them preview code, hence them "pulling it out of their collective rears." Maybe if you had been paying attention to what I actually wrote, you'd understand that.

                Anyway, we're only derailing this thread, so we'll just have to agree to disagree.


                • #9
                  Play nice folks. Or don't play at all. Your choice.


                  • #10
                    I think if they were including a cover system it would have been annouced by now. It is possible that they are still working on it and we reveil something at the TGS.


                    • #11
                      I fully agree with Archelon here. Besides, not everything in the removed Gamesradar article was true. For example they stated that the game was set in Eastern Africa, whereas it is set in Western Africa. They also said that when Chris enter the village, the inhabitants are uninfected, which is wrong, and that volcanic activity then releases the virus from deep below the surface, which I suppose is a poor assumption solely based on the previous RE5 lava logo.

                      I mean, journalists always make up stories. It is also journalists that talked about heat effects/thirst/hallucinations, making people believe that that was really being included and then disappointed because it's not. But hey, the development team never even talked about this, like, EVER.

                      So, as long as I do not see this, or any other "not-so-announced" feature in any upcoming trailer or interview, I won't believe it. Trust the interviews, not some random wishes assembled to form "exclusive info".

                      I'm not saying that there won't be any cover system in RE5, but that just because a journalist says so does not make it true.


                      • #12
                        I don't think that RE5 will have a cover system.
                        There is only a need for a cover system when your enemies also use cover, don't swarm you in droves, and mostly use ranged weapons.
                        Ganado's don't, do, and don't respectively.
                        From what I've seen of RE5 so far, it doesn't suit the game. I think a cover system would slow the game down way too much, especially if you have an executioner or chainsaw maniac chasing you.


                        • #13
                          Plus the fact that, apparently, a lot of the stuff can get smashed by Hammer Guy and probably some other enemies cover would be fairly useless. Still, there might be enemies later that would be better suited to a cover system, so I won't rule it out.


                          • #14
                            I think I heard Chris or Sheva say cover me in one of the trailers? from what I've seen already it looks like it came straight out of the RE4 barn fight with Luis and the bit where you protect Ashley with the sniper rifle from the Zealots when she's turning the cranks.
                            Last edited by kevstah2004; 09-01-2008, 04:12 AM.
                            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                            • #15
                              could someone tell me what a cover system is?

