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CVG's Resident Evil 5 Preview

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  • #16
    It's where you duck behind walls or crouch and such, hiding so you can reaload or heal.


    • #17
      The cover system would look logic if there will be some enemies vielding a guns, afterall this is Africa, and RE5 is more of an action so far, so who knows, this is Capcom...
      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


      • #18
        A big gripe for some Western players about Resident Evil 5 is that the game uses RE4's controls. Those feel, critics say, dated in all the recent advancements in how players interact with gamers. No wonder, while at E3, Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi hinted that Resident Evil 5 would be getting a revamped control…

        A big gripe for some Western players about Resident Evil 5 is that the game uses RE4's controls. Those feel, critics say, dated in all the recent advancements in how players interact with gamers. No wonder, while at E3, Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi hinted that Resident Evil 5 would be getting a revamped control scheme, going as far to say: "So don't be surprised if at the Tokyo Game Show, the controls are different... I'm not confirming or denying anything, but we like to surprise people." After the Microsoft Media Briefing, Takeuchi confirmed that RE5's new controls will be on the TGS showroom floor. While he didn't go into any great detail about the changes, he did refer to them as "Gears-like" controls.

        We've been hearing rumblings that the new controls will bring run-and-gun style play to Resident Evil — quite a big change for the traditional walk-stop-shoot RE approach.
        Gears like? Tell me...what was Gears greatest asset in combat? Oooh that's right...a cover system...this is sure getting interesting.


        • #19
          Well, I've never played Gears although I am currently lending it...and might well play it now just to find out how much RE is gonna take from it.

          But didn't Gears of War involve you being shot at? I mean more than the odd enemy with a crossbow.


          • #20
            haha, a LOT more.

            When i think of Gears and it's combat, the things that spring to mind are that you and move and shoot at the same time (already discredited by Takeuchi), the active reloads (we've already seen Chris and Sheva reloading in-game), more precise aiming at the hold of a button (again, we've aleady seen C/S aiming, Capcom aren't going to make you press TWO buttons for precision aiming), and (at the time) the best example of a cover system there's ever been.

            The only thing that hasn't been seen of course, is the cover system. Are people still going to deny it's happening? Can people not fathom how easy it would be on a debug unit for Capcom to have disabled the cover system from the playable code seen at the recent conventions?


            • #21
              It's possible...but unless Capcom are planning on having a lot of shooting enemies, which is of course possible, I don't think it makes a great deal of sense. Cover wouldn't work when you've got fifteen mutants surrounding you. Duckiing behind a wall just gives them a few more moments to reach you, reach over and pull off your head. If they aren't shooting, throwing things or spitting acid you're just giving them more time to reach you. And if they are doing these things,


              • #22
                Well no, for what it's worth, i don't think it's worth it. We're certainly yet to see anything worth using a cover system for, but all the evidence would seemingly point towards it right now.


                • #23

                  More nails in the coffin.

                  TO TGS WE GO!


                  • #24
                    They're assuming cover based on the fact he mentioned GoW. In all honestly they could just be talking about the move and shoot control scheme, but I'm not gonna count anything out until we know for sure.

                    And, honestly, I don't care that much either way.


                    • #25
                      I'll reserve judgement until theres actual footage of the new controls.
                      BTW, CVG bluffed their way through many an article back in the day with their magazine, it wouldn't suprise me if they bluffed their way through this one too *or just applied common sense to preliminary play throughs of former builds of RE5*

