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RPD Dispatch Podcast Episode #3

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  • #31
    I was wondering.

    Do you only take one question from someone, what I mean is, could I send another question for the next podcast, or do you want me to wait a few podcasts?


    • #32
      Listening now...
      Last edited by Colvin; 10-06-2008, 08:42 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
        I was wondering.

        Do you only take one question from someone, what I mean is, could I send another question for the next podcast, or do you want me to wait a few podcasts?
        Sure! Call in every podcast if you like
        Last edited by Dot50Cal; 10-06-2008, 10:08 PM.


        • #34
          From the twisted manic who seeks to seize control the betas to rebuild his reputation.

          I will take all your betas to rule the community!!

          Well done gentlemen. Genius. Who's idea was the podcast? For listeners under 18, I would recommend,

          "This podcast contains sounds of expect violence and gore. It is intended for a mature audience."

          Would you allow me to submit a few questions for the next podcast? Since I am unable to participate due to my connection?

          I will purchase a mic this week. In the meantime, here's a sample taken via ear phones.

          Project Omega's remix was absolutely crude. Loved it.

          You guys should consider releasing a few unknown facts about each game for the podcast.

          Podcast No.1 - 5/10
          Podcast No.2 - 6/10
          Podcast No.3 - 7/10

          I'm seeing a moderate improvement with each release.
          Last edited by Colvin; 10-06-2008, 11:03 PM.


          • #35
            Here is a video of the double tyrant fight in the labs.

            Last edited by alf717; 10-07-2008, 01:04 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by alf717 View Post
              It happens everytime you play.
              Only in Chris' game. Jill only fights 1 tyrant.


              • #37
                Oh yeah, I loved the German accent. Who did that? I'm suspecting it was Dot.

                My dad does a really good Hitler accent as well. Might be because he's German though


                • #38
                  Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                  Only in Chris' game. Jill only fights 1 tyrant.
                  Looks like you got me before I could edit that out.

                  Anyway to add. I believe Dot asked about if the cutscenes were changed to add the ticks instead of the hunters during the sewer sections. If I'm not mistake I beileve they have been updated. For example when you dodge the first boulder and check the area behind it the cutscence uses a tick and not the hunter model.
                  Last edited by alf717; 10-07-2008, 02:20 AM.


                  • #39
                    Nice, Now I really gotta play the Saturn version. I dont recall those capsules being smashed in the center of the Tyrant room there.

                    How about the heliport fight? Are there two tyrants there as well?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by alf717 View Post
                      Here is a video of the double tyrant fight in the labs.

                      Wesker's death looks more bloody in the saturn version.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                        Nice, Now I really gotta play the Saturn version. I dont recall those capsules being smashed in the center of the Tyrant room there.

                        How about the heliport fight? Are there two tyrants there as well?
                        No, just one.

                        If I recall correctly, one of the Tyrants dissolves after you kill it.


                        • #42
                          Good podcast! Very enjoyable
                          Keep up the comedy. I don't think the franchise needs to be taken serious all the time. There are a lot of cheesy, silly, cliche things about the series, that should be celebrated.
                          eg; Richard's voice acting. While playing it recently, I saw that scene a few times and it really cracked me up. He's talking and a spurt of blood shoots out of his wound at the end of his sentence. He reacts to this by literally saying, "OUCH...!"

                          I would have liked more time devoted to DC Arrange mode and perhaps less time on the Saturn and DS versions but hey... you can't please everyone, all of the time.
                          I agree with Rombie, that DC Arrange mode dosn't get enough credit. I've found it's quickly become my favorite version. It's more fun and pretty much better in every way, yet it dosn't lose anything from the original. If you're very familiar with the original, you'll find it full of surprises. However, I've been playing the Bio version, so perhaps it's a bit easier. Sometimes I get lucky and enter a room with 2 zombies, fire 2 shots and hear the sweet sound of 2 heads 'popping' (using the standard pistol).


                          • #43
                            Just started listening to the podcast, and I already am a big fan of Mr. Spencer and his noble, noble accent.

                            Funny how you guys talked about no more save room music...I posted this on GameFAQs a few days ago.
                            Last edited by Vector; 10-08-2008, 06:58 PM.


                            • #44
                              lol this was the best podcast

                              good work guys!


                              • #45
                                I finally listened to the podcast. I know I'm a little behind but anyway it was great. The podcasts are getting better and better.

