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Resident Evil: Degeneration hits Europe on DVD, BluRay and UMD in Early January 2009

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  • Resident Evil: Degeneration hits Europe on DVD, BluRay and UMD in Early January 2009

    Got a little heads up from one of the people at the German Resident Evil fan-site Resident Evil ALL STARS that apparently, the site reports that Resident Evil: Degeneration will hit Germany on the 8th of January.

    This seem to stack up nicely with taking pre-orders for Resident Evil: Degeneration, with a release dated for the 12th of January. I guess this means stores around Europe might expect to receive their supplies on, or around, the 8th of January (a Thursday), and the official release date is the 12th of January (Monday).

    Note: This might only be for the bigger countries in Europe, as I've been unable to locate any local stores taking pre-orders. This isn't uncommon, thanks to various companies handling subtitling and/or dubbing in different corners of Europe. However, some Sony Pictures releases have at least had UK releases with full 16+ language subtitle sets, but not seen local releases in various countries until several months later. (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children comes to mind).

    Thanks goes to "Resident Evil ALL STARS" for the heads up on this one.
    The direct link to their Movie-Infos source article can be found here: Link
    A search for "Resident Evil: Degeneration" for the lazy can be found here: Link
    Last edited by Carnivol; 11-26-2008, 04:27 AM.

  • #2
    20th of January for Spain.

    The covers for the DVD/Blu Ray version can be found here:


    • #3
      February 3rd here in Italy
      Europe is a total mess


      • #4
        Got my blu ray copy ordered from


        • #5
          YAY! Can't wait.. I guess we get the mexican edition, what date would that be?


          • #6
            I'm getting the Bluray version!! Yay


            • #7
              can someone confirm this for me, the original japanese dvd that will get released before the US one, it'll only have the jp voice overs ?


              • #8
                Ow this is great if it comes out on the 13th of January I ask my peraints to get it for my 18th brithday which is tow days later lucky me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by A-J View Post
                  can someone confirm this for me, the original japanese dvd that will get released before the US one, it'll only have the jp voice overs ?
                  I thought English was the primary audio language of the movie, so I'm pretty sure the Japanese release will let you watch it with the following settings:

                  English audio
                  English audio w/Japanese Subtitles
                  Japanese Dub
                  Japanese Dub w/Japanese Subtitles

                  The info CDjapan has is:

                  Running Time: 97 minutes
                  NTSC Format
                  Layers: single-sided/dual-layered
                  Aspect Ratio(s): Anamorphic Vista
                  Region Code: 2 (Japan, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa only)
                  Encoding: MPEG-2
                  Subtitles: English Japanese
                  Audio Track :
                  English: Dolby Digital 5.1ch
                  Japanese: Dolby Digital 5.1ch
                  Running Time: 97 minutes
                  Layers: single-sided/dual-layered
                  Aspect Ratio(s): Anamorphic Vista
                  Subtitles: English Japanese
                  Audio Track :
                  English: Dolby TrueHD 5.1ch
                  Japanese: Dolby Digital 5.1ch
                  Running Time: 97 minutes
                  Layers: single-sided/dual-layered
                  Aspect Ratio(s): Anamorphic Vista
                  Region Code: 2 (Japan, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa only)
                  Subtitles: English Japanese
                  Audio Track :
                  English: 2.0ch
                  Japanese: 2.0ch
                  Last edited by Carnivol; 11-26-2008, 01:16 PM.


                  • #10
                    As long as its January we havent had 2 wait too long this time. Us europeans are used 2 waiting, but a week will be sufficent i think

                    cant wait for the film either, shud be a god fun filled ride!


                    • #11
                      For those in Australia, EzyDVD (Carn's source for Hale & Pace =D) have the Blu-Ray available for $49.97 with a release date of 21st January 2009.


                      • #12
                        Well Im happy it's coomeing out in january here in the uk at first I heard it was going to be relesed after RE5 and I was abit anoyed about that but it looks like it's coomeing in January great.


                        • #13
                          yea agreed, i cant wait to watch this film, especially when is minus god knows wat outside, watching a good old fashin zombie flick will be great! Roll on January!

