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Sony Japan Offering Biohazard 5 Demo Among Others

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  • Sony Japan Offering Biohazard 5 Demo Among Others

    Starting from December 18th all PS3 purchases made in Japan will come with one of two Demo Discs. A red one and a white one, the red one will have the E rated game demo's, but the white one will have, amongst others, a playable Biohazard 5 demo.

    Here is the full list of demo's in the white disc.
    Resident Evil 5 Demo
    Metal Gear Solid 4 Demo
    Metal Gear Online Demo
    Valkyria Chronicles Demo
    Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 Trailer
    Demon's Souls Trailer
    White Knight Chronicles Trailer
    Resistance 2 Trailer
    As you can see, its a pretty hard core list. Its not yet confirmed whether the demo disc will be random or selectable by the customer.

    PS3 Demo Campaign thanks to Rombie
    Last edited by A-J; 12-03-2008, 06:56 AM.

  • #2


    • #3
      Nice. I should buy a PS3 *sarcastic because I don't have enough money *


      • #4
        Cool list of games!

        This of course, has got me thinking about the Japan PSN, Bio5 demo.
        The PSN store is usually updated late Thursday night or Friday mornings at about 1 or 2am. That's Japan time, which is about the same as Australian time. I guess that's Thursday afternoon in America?
        The online demo is announced for the 5th Dec. Which is a Friday. That's a good sign!
        However, this demo included on the disk is released the 18th, that's a Thursday...
        What does all this mean? I'm not sure
        But the Demo will be on the Japan store in just over 24hrs time!!!
        Or the week after... or at worst the week after that on the 18th.

        I'm seriously hoping it will be popping up there tomorrow!!!


        • #5
          thats a cool demo disc, one can only hope it shows its face over here as well


          • #6
            Christ, what the hell does this mean for PSN and XBL demos?


            • #7
              I believe it's just XBOX live but for premium users. I hope to be wrong though considering that regular XBL members won't get it I just don't think you may able to get it for free at Japanese PS Store. Anyway I'm getting a Japanese PSN account because I may be wrong
              Last edited by Handsome Rob; 12-03-2008, 08:44 AM.


              • #8
                Hoo hoo hoo. I need to try and get one of these.

                Too bad I already brought a PS3... > <
                Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 12-03-2008, 09:34 AM.


                • #9
                  1. sell ps3
                  2. wait a while
                  3. ??????
                  4. PROFIT !


                  • #10
                    Why can they not just release the demo on PSN?
                    For that I might as well wait for the NA demo


                    • #11
                      I just want to know if the demo is still available via XBL Japan on Friday cause I already bought a 360 just to download it. (Left 4 Dead too!)


                      • #12
                        Obviously we're still getting PSN/XBL demo's guys

                        I hear Japan's 360 store doesn't restrict demo's to the first week for gold members, so we should be good their unless their policy changed.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                          Obviously we're still getting PSN/XBL demo's guys

                          I hear Japan's 360 store doesn't restrict demo's to the first week for gold members, so we should be good their unless their policy changed.
                          They've already said this is a Gold exclusive demo, though.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                            They've already said this is a Gold exclusive demo, though.
                            That's what Dot said. =p
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                              That's what Dot said. =p
                              Uh, no?

