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Resident Evil 5 UK Rating + "Mercenaries" Confirmed

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  • #46
    Originally posted by revil5 View Post
    I know I'm not forced but why have it when Capcom could have came up with something else better. RE3 did have Mercenaries but I said RE5 copied RE4 cause even the controls (excluding shooter), and monsters are the same. (El Gigante, Las Plagas)
    I see a lot of people getting bent out of shape about the possibility of "El Gigante" returning. Big whoop. Just because RE5 may reuse some former creatures hardly makes it a P.O.S. Hasn't every RE game reused creatures from previous installments? (Well, except for RE4.) Sure, "El Gigante" isn't as cool as a Tyrant, but I really don't care if it makes another appearance. It'd be realistic for Wesker, who has been collecting samples of past "infection agents," to have many types of monstrosities at his disposal. And since there have been so many abominations created, why wouldn't he actually employ them rather than constantly inventing new ones?

    And as such, I recall a past developer interview where it was either said or implied that we'd probably be seeing a few past enemies show up in RE5.

    Personally, I'd rather see Hunters, Crimson Heads, Lickers, etc. than any of the lackluster foes from RE4, but maybe a few RE4 enemies tossed into the mix won't be so bad.

    Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
    IIRC, there was one of those WIP wallpapers that had 'gigante' written on it. Someone will have to confirm that 100%.
    Gene, the one wallpaper with Chris and Sheva in the back of the Humvee did have a scribbled note on the bottom saying that the guns should be pointed upward at "Gigante." Whether that is just their dubbed name for another large creature or actually another "El Gigante" from RE4 is otherwise unknown.

    Also, pardon my lack of knowing, but I see a lot of people throwing around the acronym "IIRC." What does that stand for?

    Originally posted by Gideon Quinn View Post
    Metal Gear Solid had verbal diarrhoea and begrudingly let you play it for rougly... 5 minutes of every hour.
    Gideon, that is the funniest (and truest) sentiment I have ever read about that franchise.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
      I see a lot of people getting bent out of shape about the possibility of "El Gigante" returning. Big whoop. Just because RE5 may reuse some former creatures hardly makes it a P.O.S. Hasn't every RE game reused creatures from previous installments? (Well, except for RE4.) Sure, "El Gigante" isn't as cool as a Tyrant, but I really don't care if it makes another appearance. It'd be realistic for Wesker, who has been collecting samples of past "infection agents," to have many types of monstrosities at his disposal. And since there have been so many abominations created, why wouldn't he actually employ them rather than constantly inventing new ones?

      Personally, I'd rather see Hunters, Crimson Heads, Lickers, etc. than any of the lackluster foes from RE4, but maybe a few RE4 enemies tossed into the mix won't be so bad.

      Also, pardon my lack of knowing, but I see a lot of people throwing around the acronym "IIRC." What does that stand for?
      IIRC stands for "If I Recall Correctly."

      I actually liked some enemies from RE4. Just imagine it, You enter a larger arena and out comes a Gigante flanked by two Hunters and some Lickers.


      • #48
        Thanks. I now know what LOL, WTF, OMG, BTW, and IIRC mean.
        Last edited by Jill's Boob; 12-11-2008, 01:28 PM.


        • #49
          It's okay, there are still some I don't know the meaning of. If anyone ever says ROFL( Also known as Roflcoptor, Roffle my waffle, etc), it mean Rolling on floor laughing, or something along those lines.


          • #50
            I hope it's a big, stupid mistake...
            Last edited by Nomad9026; 12-11-2008, 02:17 PM.
            "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


            • #51
              I actually hope the cutscenes are longer. Which I think they might be! Thinking about it, the 65 minutes could be those hi-def FMV types of cutscenes, not counting the in-game activated ones.

              At least I hope so. It sounds like RE5 is going to have a lot to go through, and I hope it's not rushed.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Yzak View Post
                I actually hope the cutscenes are longer. Which I think they might be! Thinking about it, the 65 minutes could be those hi-def FMV types of cutscenes, not counting the in-game activated ones.

                At least I hope so. It sounds like RE5 is going to have a lot to go through, and I hope it's not rushed.
                No FMV for RE5 as far as I remember. This is why it can fit in a dvd9.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Neptune View Post
                  so its actually quite surprising its an 18, must be a lot of blood and gore for that.
                  Blood,gore and F-BOMBS.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Petronio View Post
                    No FMV for RE5 as far as I remember. This is why it can fit in a dvd9.
                    This is good. Does anyone else prefer in-game custcenes? I like it when the special constumes show up in cutscenes, among other things.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Town of Green View Post
                      I actually liked some enemies from RE4. Just imagine it, You enter a larger arena and out comes a Gigante flanked by two Hunters and some Lickers.
                      Well, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some more garradors, regenerators, or iron maidens.

                      As for the thoughts on 65 minutes of cutscenes not being enough...I agree. From what we've seen so far in regards to the storyline of RE5, I'd imagine they have a pretty deep story, which would require a lot of exposition.

                      Originally posted by Town of Green View Post
                      This is good. Does anyone else prefer in-game custcenes? I like it when the special constumes show up in cutscenes, among other things.
                      I prefer the in-game engine to produce the cinematics.
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 12-11-2008, 03:17 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                        Well, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some more garradors, regenerators, or iron maidens.

                        As for the thoughts on 65 minutes of cutscenes not being enough...I agree. From what we've seen so far in regards to the storyline of RE5, I'd imagine they have a pretty deep story, which would require a lot of exposition.

                        I prefer the in-game engine to produce the cinematics.

                        I too liked several of RE4s enemies. Some were just boring like the dogs, and bugs, but the more human ones certainly were interesting. I'd love to see them plus older enemies coem together in a mix of things.


                        • #57
                          I beg to differ, the dogs were far more interesting than Ganados.
                          Pity we don't see much of them, I actually liked them.
                          And regenerators, they're creepy, and the scariest thing in RE4.


                          • #58
                            Dead Aim avoided a BBFC cert for some reason.

                            I would imagine this has got an 18 for the content and controversy. Trailers, as well as the website have shown there will be some pretty brutal sequences in this game where the villagers seemingly stamp and beat upon a victim. One trailer even showed Chris on the receiving end rolling on the floor trying to avoid a beating.

                            Also given the rise of knife crime over the last few years I doubt the BBFC would of taken too kindly to Sheva crouching down and stabbing someone brutally in the face with a knife either.

                            Then again, most 'violent' games seem to get an 18 these days - Unreal Tournament 3 did and that's generally comic violence.
                   The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                            Review and contributor for


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                              I beg to differ, the dogs were far more interesting than Ganados.
                              Pity we don't see much of them, I actually liked them.
                              And regenerators, they're creepy, and the scariest thing in RE4.
                              I never much cared for animal enemies. Human-like enemies were always much cooler. They looked human, but they weren't. Not anymore.


                              • #60
                                I know this is off topic but I just wanted to play the RE5 demo and now it's telling me "This's disc region code is incorrect for this console" Nooo!! It was working fine since Dec. 5th now I can't even play it without being online either! Anyone else has this problem?

