The German magazine Games Aktuell has put up a new preview for Resident Evil 5 in their latest issue, the preview mostly talks about the same things we already know, the only new thing it tells is the order in which the scenario's of the game take place and one really big spoiler about a certain character's fate. I'm not going to say what it is, but if you're interested in finding out head on over to our Official Spoiler discussion topic to discuss it.
Games Aktuell Resident Evil 5 Preview thanks to Michael @ reCenter
EB games have put up several Resident Evil 5 related items on their site you can order.
Resident Evil 5 Messenger Bag Kit
Resident Evil 5 PS3 Head Set
Xbox 360 Face Plate
PS3 Face Plate
Resident Evil 5 EB games Items thanks to Archelon.
*** UPDATE ***
An interesting find, the translation of the German Preview also includes a possible release date, this is not official and may in-fact be false like several earlier occasions, but the article states that the PC version will come out in Q4 2009.
*** END UPDATE ***
Games Aktuell Resident Evil 5 Preview thanks to Michael @ reCenter
EB games have put up several Resident Evil 5 related items on their site you can order.
Resident Evil 5 Messenger Bag Kit
Resident Evil 5 PS3 Head Set
Xbox 360 Face Plate
PS3 Face Plate
Resident Evil 5 EB games Items thanks to Archelon.
*** UPDATE ***
An interesting find, the translation of the German Preview also includes a possible release date, this is not official and may in-fact be false like several earlier occasions, but the article states that the PC version will come out in Q4 2009.
*** END UPDATE ***