Hey people, haven't been around these parts in quite a while. Progress on the site is moving slowly, although, it is still moving and to keep you all up on what's getting done... I've got everything we planned to launch with finalized on my part (Design, images, etc) and I am just waiting on Dot50Cal to get his information together and crank stuff out so we can get these pages up for viewing and move onto each game and post them as they get done.
So you know what will be done... The Features section will be ready with at least 2 features (Dot50Cal has plans to add a ton more and will be able to do so easily now that the design is finished), the downloads will be there in all it's glory (We've got 60gigs to work with and we plan on filling as much as possible). And of course the Resident Evil 1 page will be complete! We plan on moving from game to game and finishing each then posting them for you to view.
In the Resident Evil 1 section you'll find...
• Information page - This will give out background information on the game, reviews from both myself and Dot50Cal. As well as boxshots, release dates, etc.
• Characters page - This will show off character bios with indepth information about the past as well as age, height, bloodtype, specialty and even ingame screenshots.
• Creatures page - This page gives you tactics for combatting each enemy in the game, including the bosses. With details showing where you run into each enemy, the sounds they make (with a soundclip of each so you can hear it for yourself).
• Items page - This will give out item locations (with shots of the map indicating where exactly, acompanied by ingame shots of where it's found) where to use the item (If applicable) and possibly more.
• Documents page - Text describing each file/document found throughout the game as well as locations of each with screenshots of where they are in the game (like items page).
• Screenshots page - Hundreds of screenshots of the game will be here, all viewed through a nice viewer (No bullshit download, no flash, just strictly HTML) all with thumbnails catagorized per page by the user and possibly more.
• Weapons page - Same as the items page with pictures showing where to find the gun, the ammo, etc.
• Secrets page - Any secrets in the game are revealed here (I.E. weapons, costumes, items, etc).
• Cheat Codes page - Any cheat codes are found here, infinite ammo, gameshark, action replay, code breaker, etc.
• Versions page - Very detailed coverage on each version of the game, from the US releases to the Japanese ones. All the systems they were released for, etc.
• Maps page - Pretty basic, though it will show off item locations, room names, enemy locations, cut scene locations, etc, all toggled by the user.
• Soundtracks page - Very simple, each track listed by the album it is on, with track number, name, length, filesize and of course number of downloads
• Wallpapers page - Same idea as the Soundtracks page, but with resolutions supported and a thumbnail preview which if clicked, a medium sized preview in jpeg format.
• Videos page - Same as before, though with descriptions of each video, as well as screenshots of the videos to show you which ones are which without having to read a description and guess.
The above page descriptions will hold true to each game section with some exceptions (If the game has more or less than another) so no worries there, everygame will be covered in full. Anything else you may be wondering about you can contact myself or Dot50Cal via email, aim and what not. Our information can be found on the Contact page if you don't already have it.
Hope to be posting here soon with all that up for you to view!
So you know what will be done... The Features section will be ready with at least 2 features (Dot50Cal has plans to add a ton more and will be able to do so easily now that the design is finished), the downloads will be there in all it's glory (We've got 60gigs to work with and we plan on filling as much as possible). And of course the Resident Evil 1 page will be complete! We plan on moving from game to game and finishing each then posting them for you to view.
In the Resident Evil 1 section you'll find...
• Information page - This will give out background information on the game, reviews from both myself and Dot50Cal. As well as boxshots, release dates, etc.
• Characters page - This will show off character bios with indepth information about the past as well as age, height, bloodtype, specialty and even ingame screenshots.
• Creatures page - This page gives you tactics for combatting each enemy in the game, including the bosses. With details showing where you run into each enemy, the sounds they make (with a soundclip of each so you can hear it for yourself).
• Items page - This will give out item locations (with shots of the map indicating where exactly, acompanied by ingame shots of where it's found) where to use the item (If applicable) and possibly more.
• Documents page - Text describing each file/document found throughout the game as well as locations of each with screenshots of where they are in the game (like items page).
• Screenshots page - Hundreds of screenshots of the game will be here, all viewed through a nice viewer (No bullshit download, no flash, just strictly HTML) all with thumbnails catagorized per page by the user and possibly more.
• Weapons page - Same as the items page with pictures showing where to find the gun, the ammo, etc.
• Secrets page - Any secrets in the game are revealed here (I.E. weapons, costumes, items, etc).
• Cheat Codes page - Any cheat codes are found here, infinite ammo, gameshark, action replay, code breaker, etc.
• Versions page - Very detailed coverage on each version of the game, from the US releases to the Japanese ones. All the systems they were released for, etc.
• Maps page - Pretty basic, though it will show off item locations, room names, enemy locations, cut scene locations, etc, all toggled by the user.
• Soundtracks page - Very simple, each track listed by the album it is on, with track number, name, length, filesize and of course number of downloads

• Wallpapers page - Same idea as the Soundtracks page, but with resolutions supported and a thumbnail preview which if clicked, a medium sized preview in jpeg format.
• Videos page - Same as before, though with descriptions of each video, as well as screenshots of the videos to show you which ones are which without having to read a description and guess.
The above page descriptions will hold true to each game section with some exceptions (If the game has more or less than another) so no worries there, everygame will be covered in full. Anything else you may be wondering about you can contact myself or Dot50Cal via email, aim and what not. Our information can be found on the Contact page if you don't already have it.
Hope to be posting here soon with all that up for you to view!