Movie Web has an update on the fourth installment of the Resident Evil movie series. Paul Anderson wrote the screen play but he's not coming back to direct it. They say that the tone of the movie is more like the second one, instead of the post apocalyptic third one.
Resident Evil 4 The Movie thanks to aris13.
GameTrailers have put up a new gameplay video featuring the Sea Creature boss. Click here to check it out. Thanks to ElusionM.
Sticking with GameTrailers they recently put up a new GT TV episode in which they talk about the upcoming games of 2009, including Resident Evil 5.
GameTrailers TV thanks to aris13.
Resident Evil 4 The Movie thanks to aris13.
GameTrailers have put up a new gameplay video featuring the Sea Creature boss. Click here to check it out. Thanks to ElusionM.
Sticking with GameTrailers they recently put up a new GT TV episode in which they talk about the upcoming games of 2009, including Resident Evil 5.
GameTrailers TV thanks to aris13.