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GameTrailers Resident Evil Retrospective : Part 1

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  • #16
    Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
    this is brilliant, i will be really enjoying these, is there anyway i can save them?
    Click on "Download" and then right click and save as whichever media you use.


    • #17
      The cowboy said it with flying colours. I am defiantly looking forward to the remaining 5.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rombie View Post
        What do I need to "sound superior" about.... *sigh*... Much like the Degen vid a couple of minor errors are in there... however if I need to qualify the errors I noted to please some people I'm happy to.

        The original release date info in the voice over is wrong, he says March 29th was the release date. But Biohazard released on March 22nd 1996 in Japan, and March 30th 1996 in the US...

        And the helicopter took off into the sunrise not sunset at the end of the game. The game takes place during the night and it's early morning when they escape the mansion (additionally the sun gets brighter/stronger in the later part of that scene in the video edited in showing it's morning).

        That's all. Not particularly amazing or incredible, just minor as I said.
        If you really wanted to get technical, the narrator referred to Alpha Team as Bravo on a few occasions, as well. Most notably when it said "Joseph Frost was ambushed, forcing the rest of Bravo Team to seek shelter in the nearby mansion."

        I'm also fairly certain the game was going to use ghosts, not aliens, in its first iteration as an FPS. I could be wrong about that, though.

        Originally posted by ganado View Post
        The cowboy said it with flying colours. I am defiantly looking forward to the remaining 5.
        Yippee ki yay.
        Last edited by Archelon; 02-05-2009, 12:16 PM.


        • #19
          Just whach it and I say great job gametrailers caint wait to see how they do the next 5 parts.


          • #20
            Oh very nice work there. It really does bring back some old memories of when I used to freak out whenever those dogs jumped through the windows and the zombie feasting on Kenneth.

            I can't wait to see the rest of them.


            • #21
              Great stuff, a few errors here and there but it was great otherwise. Are these going to be weekly? If so, awesome. For some reason I couldn't access them on Firefox though. But yeah, great stuff!


              • #22
                Originally posted by L-e-W View Post
                Great stuff, a few errors here and there but it was great otherwise. Are these going to be weekly? If so, awesome. For some reason I couldn't access them on Firefox though. But yeah, great stuff!
                All of the previous retrospectives were released on a weekly basis, so I imagine it'll be no different here.


                • #23
                  I loved that they covered the Sweet Home base, I mean crap, it took wikipedia to teach me that. I remember reading about the series from the time of RE2 on and there was still no mention of Sweet Home. Perhaps I just missed it.

                  Either way, I love the presentation of it, they talk about the music, the significance of the files (with screens of those too), etc. I suppose the next episode will start with "September 28th, Daylight..." and then cover RE2, ending with Raccoon's destruction.


                  • #24
                    I'm glad they decided to do this for Resident Evil. I sent it to my friend and his brother who just recently got into RE.

