The latest issue of the UK based Playstation Official Magazine includes a Resident Evil 5 review amongst other things. They awarded the game an 8 our of 10. According to website PS3 Attitude here are some of the interesting points.
Resident Evil 5 OPM UK Review
As you would expect, they pick up on the fact that RE5 is all about ‘panicked crisis management’ - balancing your inventory with your immediate requirements as hordes of zombie types try to end your life in unique and interesting ways.
What does come through in the review is how good Sheva’s AI is, but these points are balanced out by the painful inventory management and the poor cover system that ‘all but kills the fun’.
What does come through in the review is how good Sheva’s AI is, but these points are balanced out by the painful inventory management and the poor cover system that ‘all but kills the fun’.