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RE5 Interviews, Xbox World 360 Reviewers Respond

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  • #16
    I could care less about what people think of the game. I'm just worried about the game's length. We'll see when the other reviews come rolling in. I have listened to their podcast and they swear up and down that the game is 7 hours.


    • #17
      We will find out the correct play time when more trusted sites review this game. I do not look to critics to influence my game purchases but some well established sites should give this game a fair run. With the recent reviews it seems evident that it will not reach the heights of RE4 and I think it will settle at metacritic at around the high 80's hopefully low 90's. I still think this game will be an absolute blast for fans of the series.


      • #18
        What the hell?! Need to brush up on the gaming skills?!

        ¬.¬ *insert angry rant here*


        • #19
          Wow, talk about an elitist comment. You may as well be saying: "Every other reviewer who claim the game to be a solid 15-20 hours experience are retarded [insert snobbish grin here]"

          It seems a lot of reviewers don't allow themselves to be immersed into a game, but rather skip all the cutscenes, use a debug mode to cheat and rush through the game just so they can say "we have te first revue of da game in de UK".


          • #20
            Why is everyone so upset that these guys finished it in 7:32?
            What difference does it make to anything?


            • #21
              It's the attitude they've taken, that they're better than everyone else for finishing it quicker than everyone else.


              • #22
                yeah, to be honest i dont think it is anything to worry about. Many of the previous games were around 7 hours + anyway. But i'm sure that if you take your time, it will be way over 7 hours gameplay.


                • #23
                  I feel that I have a really good understanding when somebody is being reasonable and open-minded; and, it really seems xbox world is overly negative about what they review.

                  *Completion time aside,* it really seems that all critics are being overly negative about games this generation.. I shake my head with disgust (even at my friends) when they talk about how annoying something is in a game, like not being about to walk and shoot in RE5. It was a designer choice. Not laziness.

                  Just look at all the the details in the environments in this generation's games! Can you imagine how long it must take to build, texture, and animate all that shit you see?! It is NO simple task! It probably takes a professional artist a whole day just to create a clump of grass, or the texture for ONE wall in an environment. That must be VERY discouraging when people expect SO much. I find it inspiring that people are able to finish projects like RE5 these days without dropping their work and saying "this is too much effort." It takes great ambition!

                  Games are becoming a lot like the music industry these days. There are only so many ways for chords to progress and then songs start sounds the same (which is causing A LOT of copyright infringement in the past couple years). It's very difficult in an industry SO flooded with musicians to create unique sounding music! I'm not saying everyone smells of roses; but, a lot of duplication is COMPLETELY unintentional! Games are becoming this same way. There are only so many ways to imitate life or create fiction until ideas start running into each other. This is fact! And, people need to start embracing how many YEARS of work go into a certain product, and be positive.

                  Also, some people are feeling RE is becoming more like other games like Gears of War. All I can say: Welcome to the Recession, people. Companies are seriously struggling right now to stay afloat! Unfortunately, to some degree, that means meeting all consumers Half-way and compromising some creativity in order to garner enough sales to ensure more titles coming from the company. There is simply NOT enough extra money for companies to make games for one small group of people. Companies have to do their best to appease ALL kinds of consumers, including fans *and* non-fans. Sometimes, they may not make a decision you like, but they ARE trying their best, as they have families to support and want to experience artistic fulfillment.

                  There are some people who just have nothing, but negative things to say all the time. I don't feel sorry for them! People need to splash some water in their faces and learn to be less bored and negative. Show a smile and tip your hat to those ambitious, passionate people once in a while. Chances are, if they were in the artists shoes, they'd say "Holy fuck! I can't believe how much of a dick I was." Some people's negativity must really make those people who spent 4 years of their lives doing their best feel like TOTAL SHIT!

                  I'm here to tip my hat, give a warm and welcoming applause to those people who gave their best, and enjoy the product they made for my entertainment! I'm here to witness and admire their artistic achievement. Thank you, Capcom, for even making Resident Evil 5 come to fruition!
                  Last edited by Cellardoorsolar; 02-26-2009, 05:47 AM.


                  • #24
                    The graphics depend on the artist :] On the program there are usuay tools to help with those things. If they are using XSI for ps3 it'll be made easier for them. It may look complicated but the usage of normal maps is a huge role in next gen games, the illusion that something is 3D when in reality its completely flat, it even makes the light reflect off it as if it was 3D. Its quite amazing stuff.
                    Anyways, yes...I just ignore that gamer skills comment, because im going to take my time and take in every little detail with this game. Its gonna be the best RE game yet!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                      Why is everyone so upset that these guys finished it in 7:32?
                      What difference does it make to anything?
                      I agree. Just because the game is 7 hours that doesn't mean that the game won't be fun to play. Look at the old games, a veteran can complete them in 2 hours max (except CV) and still the games rock. So 7-10 hours are good for me, I remember I did the same time to finish RE 4 and believe me those were some hardcore 7 hours.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cellardoorsolar View Post
                        I feel that I have a really good understanding when somebody is being reasonable and open-minded; and, it really seems xbox world is overly negative about what they review.

                        *Completion time aside,* it really seems that all critics are being overly negative about games this generation.. I shake my head with disgust (even at my friends) when they talk about how annoying something is in a game, like not being about to walk and shoot in RE5. It was a designer choice. Not laziness.

                        Just look at all the the details in the environments in this generation's games! Can you imagine how long it must take to build, texture, and animate all that shit you see?! It is NO simple task! It probably takes a professional artist a whole day just to create a clump of grass, or the texture for ONE wall in an environment. That must be VERY discouraging when people expect SO much. I find it inspiring that people are able to finish projects like RE5 these days without dropping their work and saying "this is too much effort." It takes great ambition!

                        Games are becoming a lot like the music industry these days. There are only so many ways for chords to progress and then songs start sounds the same (which is causing A LOT of copyright infringement in the past couple years). It's very difficult in an industry SO flooded with musicians to create unique sounding music! I'm not saying everyone smells of roses; but, a lot of duplication is COMPLETELY unintentional! Games are becoming this same way. There are only so many ways to imitate life or create fiction until ideas start running into each other. This is fact! And, people need to start embracing how many YEARS of work go into a certain product, and be positive.

                        Also, some people are feeling RE is becoming more like other games like Gears of War. All I can say: Welcome to the Recession, people. Companies are seriously struggling right now to stay afloat! Unfortunately, to some degree, that means meeting all consumers Half-way and compromising some creativity in order to garner enough sales to ensure more titles coming from the company. There is simply NOT enough extra money for companies to make games for one small group of people. Companies have to do their best to appease ALL kinds of consumers, including fans *and* non-fans. Sometimes, they may not make a decision you like, but they ARE trying their best, as they have families to support and want to experience artistic fulfillment.

                        There are some people who just have nothing, but negative things to say all the time. I don't feel sorry for them! People need to splash some water in their faces and learn to be less bored and negative. Show a smile and tip your hat to those ambitious, passionate people once in a while. Chances are, if they were in the artists shoes, they'd say "Holy fuck! I can't believe how much of a dick I was." Some people's negativity must really make those people who spent 4 years of their lives doing their best feel like TOTAL SHIT!

                        I'm here to tip my hat, give a warm and welcoming applause to those people who gave their best, and enjoy the product they made for my entertainment! I'm here to witness and admire their artistic achievement. Thank you, Capcom, for even making Resident Evil 5 come to fruition!
                        *tips hat and aplauses this great post* i agree


                        • #27
                          In my opinion XBW is just trying to get attention, that screenshot doens't prove ANYTHING... that coulde be his 2nd, 3rd playthrough, who knows, or as Dod and xfactor pointed out he used a dubug menu.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                            Why is everyone so upset that these guys finished it in 7:32?
                            What difference does it make to anything?
                            They're upset because RE4 was a long game and a very well thought out adventure. Sure you have the bonuses like "The Mercenaries" etc but the main attraction is the single player story. 1st play through for most people was 20+ hours.

                            You don't knock 13 hours off the sequel and charge people $60 of their hard earned money to buy the game. It goes from a purchase to a rental at that point. Especially with no online multiplayer modes to prolong the game life. Sure there are repeat play throughs and costumes and bonus modes but the main attraction is short, it becomes a less appealing package to spend your $ on. Especially now


                            • #29
                              For me, the game's length doesn't mean a whole lot due to the addition of co-op. The amount of replayability in RE5 is ridiculous. I'm gonna beat the game at least twice by myself, plus countless other times in co-op, PLUS Mercenaries mode, PLUS any DLC that they have planned...RE5 is gonna have legs. People need to stop pissing their pants about the game's length.

                              Sure, a long game would be great...but if you're one of these review assholes who rushes through the game in order to review it as quickly as possible, you're probably gonna beat it in 7 hours. If you're a fan of the game and you try to admire every little detail, try to find and read every file you can, try to explore everything and pick up every item, the game is gonna be long enough.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                For me, the game's length doesn't mean a whole lot due to the addition of co-op. The amount of replayability in RE5 is ridiculous. I'm gonna beat the game at least twice by myself, plus countless other times in co-op, PLUS Mercenaries mode, PLUS any DLC that they have planned...RE5 is gonna have legs. People need to stop pissing their pants about the game's length.

                                Sure, a long game would be great...but if you're one of these review assholes who rushes through the game in order to review it as quickly as possible, you're probably gonna beat it in 7 hours. If you're a fan of the game and you try to admire every little detail, try to find and read every file you can, try to explore everything and pick up every item, the game is gonna be long enough.
                                you change your sig and avatar alot is confusing

                                but re5 is the greatest re game ever imo (gameplay and storywise so far)

