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RE5 Interviews, Xbox World 360 Reviewers Respond

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  • RE5 Interviews, Xbox World 360 Reviewers Respond

    The first article is already old by a day or two, but I don't think its been posted yet. It is conducted by MTV Multiplayer, and Jun Takeuchi gives a reply to the general feedbacks to RE5, such as the racial issue and the controls. It is also reported in the article that the demo has been downloaded 4 million times on both consoles worldwide.
    MTV Multiplayer Blog

    There's a new interview over at 1up too, where Jun Takeuchi touch on more subjects, such as Shinji Mikami, and the possibility of returning to the root of the series.
    1up Interview - Thanks to Dark_Chris

    Xbox World 360's claim to complete the game in 7hours+ sure have sparked a lot of discussions. As if to add fire to the oil, CVG went ahead and published an article where the reviewers respond to the 7 hrs+ claim. What about those US publications that claim to have longer completion time?
    "We can only suggest that those citing 20+ hour completion times need to brush up on their gaming skills. :-)"

    There's a quick video over at Engadget where they go through the contents in the red 360 bundle.
    It looks like the console will have the latest Jasper chipset which consist of a smaller 65nm graphics card and smaller memory chips.

    In another words, this console set will be the most updated and reliable 360 console model, and will have the least amount of chance to get the overheating issue which causes the RROD problem.
    Engadget "unboxing" RE5/360 Bundle

    Last edited by xfactor; 02-25-2009, 10:22 PM.

  • #2
    So, the developers need to brush up on their gaming skills?

    With responses like these, I really don't respect the site/magazine at all.


    • #3
      I wonder if the gamers that read their magazine need to brush up on their gaming skills if the game takes them longer than seven hours to complete as well.


      • #4
        so i need to brush my skills and rush trough the game and not enjoy it??

        **** you xbox world


        • #5
          Meh, 7 hours has definitely got to be around the minimum time.
          Surely those that claimed such completion were likely rushing through the game, and on Co-op.

          Honestly, I don't really understand why anyone would want to skip so quickly through, while missing the finer details of the game? As a true survival-horror enthusiast, I enjoy taking a painful amount of time through any game, to fully appreciate it.
          It may be more action-oriented, but that's no excuse...


          • #6
            ya im gonna be so slow with this game il try get it up to the at least 15 hours of playing
            not that 7 hours bullshit they where just rushing it and not taking in the cutscenes.


            • #7
              I am questioning their review integrity. Isn't the point of review to show the overall quality of the game? They claim that you can't see everything in less than 10 hours (as defense), that will imply that they didn't see everything that RE5 have to offer in the initial playthrough which they use for the review. if that's so, how is that possible for them to give a fair review on the overall product? I am not saying that they should go ahead and explore every corners in the game thoroughly of course.

              I don't think I am relying on their review much.
              Last edited by xfactor; 02-25-2009, 11:38 PM.


              • #8
                All the Jun interviews are trash...controls, race issues, Mikami rinse repeat. They never ask any interesting questions.


                • #9
                  That comment from Xbox World was pathetic. I cannot stand that kind of arrogance in the industry. When so many publications cite longer times and they're the only one, then you now something is wrong.


                  • #10
                    XBW probably used the debug menu, which lets you skip levels, give yourself ammo infinite health, etc.


                    • #11
                      I am suspecting that too. According to this screenshot, it clearly states that they have the review version, which most probably have the debug menu and cheats activated.

                      btw Dot50Cal, check your pm. I've something to ask you..
                      Last edited by xfactor; 02-26-2009, 01:02 AM.


                      • #12
                        I was thinking the same thing, in regards to the reviewers using debug mode. I could see them beating the game in less than 8 hours if running through on co-op with unlimited ammo. There's just no other rational reason for why it's taking other publications double that time on average.

                        I suppose it's a pointless debate until a week from now when those with the Japanese copies are finishing up their first playthrough.
                        Last edited by CubedSphere; 02-26-2009, 01:07 AM.


                        • #13
                          It would have been a 20+ hour game for them, but the 360 red ringed about seven hours in.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by marcusray View Post
                            All the Jun interviews are trash...controls, race issues, Mikami rinse repeat. They never ask any interesting questions.
                            Hah, my thoughts exactly.

                            Also, I'm so fucking sick of reviews in general. It seems that's all anyone cares about in this generation of gaming. GameRankings this, MetaCritic that...Jesus Christ, does anyone have their own opinion anymore? Someone could've really enjoyed the hell out of Haze, but no, the reviews say it sucked, so the game sucked...okay, bad example maybe, but you get what I mean, right?

                            The only times I ever use reviews for anything is when I'm on the fence about buying a game and there's no playable demo available for it. I played the Haze demo and said, no, this game is shit, so I didn't buy it. I played the Uncharted demo and said, hell yeah, this game seems awesome, so I bought it. Come to think of it, the only game I bought this gen on the strength of its reviews was Call of Duty 4, and I don't regret that at all. I was interested in it, never played a real multiplayer FPS before, and so I waited on the reviews. When it scored high across the board, I decided to buy it.

                            But no, people would rather use review scores for neverending console wars and fanboy battles as if Hilary fucking Goldstein and Jeff Haynes are the end-all be-all video game Gods who know EVERYTHING about everything. It's pathetic.
                            Last edited by Vector; 02-26-2009, 01:47 AM.


                            • #15
                              Heh, reminds me of that gimboid reviewer on Gamespot who played through WipEout HD. I watched videos of his playthrough on his YouTube page, and he was utterly abysmal at the game. Probably explains why every other reviewer gave it at least an eight or a nine, and he gave it a seven. Sure, it's just a high def remake of WipEout Pure and Pulse, but it's decently priced and with a solid online setup.

                              Guy Cocker, I believe his name was.
                              Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-26-2009, 01:56 AM.
                              See you in hell.

