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RE2 Remake Rumors Resurface

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  • #16
    my god deadartist, you musn't be educated by resident evil then :-D
    damn I miss those old school corridors in which you hear the zombies walk but you cannot see them, THAT was horror (I was like, how much are there? Do I have enough ammo?).. but still I'm longing for RE5 to hear the the story, and I also like the gameplay but it's different you know.. I really hope they go for a RE2 remake, THAT was the one that scared the s*** out of me.. and also the first i've played


    • #17
      The REmake formula is there. Just follow the REmake formula and all will be well.


      • #18
        Sad, sad times where are forced to see classic, wonderful games remade for the modern day graphic addicted gamers. Not that i'm pidgeonholing everyone, I'm sure they'd do a Remake excellently if it's the same style as the remake, but it's completely unneeded.

        There's absolutely nothing wrong with Resident Evil 2. There's a reason why it's held as the best of the series. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
        Review and contributor for


        • #19
          Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
          Sad, sad times where are forced to see classic, wonderful games remade for the modern day graphic addicted gamers. Not that i'm pidgeonholing everyone, I'm sure they'd do a Remake excellently if it's the same style as the remake, but it's completely unneeded.

          There's absolutely nothing wrong with Resident Evil 2. There's a reason why it's held as the best of the series.
          My point exactly. It was brilliant as it was and needed nothing adding to it. CVX could be made into such a better game. A lot less backtracking, sorting out the annoying swap overs, better voice actors and they could expand on this new theory about using plants to make the T-Veronica Virus. It'd also help new fans who pick up RE5 find out more about the Chris/Wesker conflict. I really doubt if they wanted to know more about it, they'd try to adjust to the formula CVX played. It'd almost be like two completely different games and alienate them.


          • #20
            Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
            Sad, sad times where are forced to see classic, wonderful games remade for the modern day graphic addicted gamers. Not that i'm pidgeonholing everyone, I'm sure they'd do a Remake excellently if it's the same style as the remake, but it's completely unneeded.

            There's absolutely nothing wrong with Resident Evil 2. There's a reason why it's held as the best of the series.
            In my opinion, graphics are a very small part of the appeal of a remake. It would just be great to see that awesome game remastered. Better voiceover work, better atmosphere, better presentation -- basically the same thing as RE1 -> REmake. RE2 -> REmake2 would be incredible, if done on the same formula and set to the same excellent standard as REmake1.


            • #21
              I do get what he's saying though. I tend to agree with his feelings that it's unnecessary (it's my favourite RE title of them all, as well), but at the same time, I think a RE2make would be interesting to see. However, Birkin in this day and age would be a pretty amazing thing to see. I still commend RE for the GC as the best video game remake I've had the pleasure of playing. REmake has amazing atmosphere.


              • #22
                im still waiting for a port of REMake for the PSN and XBL


                • #23
                  Remaking RE2 implies that something is wrong with RE2.
                  There is nothing wrong with RE2. It's awesome as it stands.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    In my opinion, graphics are a very small part of the appeal of a remake. It would just be great to see that awesome game remastered. Better voiceover work, better atmosphere, better presentation -- basically the same thing as RE1 -> REmake. RE2 -> REmake2 would be incredible, if done on the same formula and set to the same excellent standard as REmake1.
                    Agreed, and I wouldn't mind if there was an extra environment like RE - Remake, definitly added to the game, the sound track by far had to be the eriest and freakiest. The taunting of lickers around corners totally got you, especially upstairs by the crashed helicopter, first time i saw the mofo, I jumped pretty good. The Crows comming through the Windows, the Licker through the glass, lickers through the ceiling was all that was great!
                    Last edited by Stars_g36; 03-03-2009, 10:41 PM.


                    • #25
                      An RE2 remake in the style of REmake would be beautiful. I feel there's nothing wrong with RE2, but to revisit the game in a new way would be fun. I may be in the minority here, but I feel REmake is an amazing game and part of the charm was the familiarity of it all. I saw rooms and environments I remembered from the original in a new coat of paint and it definitely had an impact on me. It's hard for me to explain why REmake was so endearing to me. It was kind of a way for me to play RE1 for the first time again. A game that has a close place in my heart.
                      Last edited by GalacticAE; 03-03-2009, 11:00 PM.


                      • #26
                        Also, let's be honest -- Robert Kendo deserves his due. That man needs to be seen in current-gen technology.

                        ...same voice actor, though.
                        "Don't you worry, girlie! You'll be safe in here. I'm keepin' a close eye on things."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by riderkid View Post
                          im still waiting for a port of REMake for the PSN and XBL
                          Don't hold your breath


                          • #28
                            Not this again...

                            I don't have time to repeat myself right now as to why this is potentially a really bad idea (just look at the poor, sad imitation of the Nemesis in UC).
                            I vote NO, for a RE2 remake!!!

                            I get the feeling sometimes, that some people screaming for a RE2 remake have never even played the original. It's just become a popular thing to say.
                            "OMG RE2 remake wud own!"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Skunky View Post
                              Not this again...

                              I don't have time to repeat myself right now as to why this is potentially a really bad idea (just look at the poor, sad imitation of the Nemesis in UC).
                              I vote NO, for a RE2 remake!!!

                              I get the feeling sometimes, that some people screaming for a RE2 remake have never even played the original. It's just become a popular thing to say.
                              "OMG RE2 remake wud own!"
                              Are you saying that because UC turned out to be a steaming pile of crap that an RE2 remake isn't a good idea? I understand a lot of arguments contra RE2 remake but I don't get the logic in yours. If anything, you should point toward REmake in your case against REmake2.

                              And yes, I've played RE2 many times. I still feel it's superior than RE4 and will be a better game than the tripe Capcom is releasing next week.


                              • #30
                                There is nothing wrong with RE2 but there was nothing wrong with RE1 either and I love the REmake. If Capcom makes a similar job with RE2 than the one they did with RE1 I would be really really happy
                                Just because RE2 is one of the favourites RE in the fan comunity I think a graphic and sound refresh of the game is enough justification for a remake, just for the sake of visual pleasure!!

