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Final Viral Video " Back " Now Online

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
    I really want an explanation for why he's suicidal though, if we don't get one I'm just going to dismiss the entire lot of them.
    emo? maybe he went emo & suicidal after kijuju


    • #17
      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      It's unfuckingbelievable the amount of shit that Capcom has shown before this game has officially released in the states.
      Yeah no shit. I'm glad I read these posts before I clicked the video!


      • #18
        hm, that one was not bad.

        Out of all of em, I think either Back or Claire if my favorite...


        • #19
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          It's unfuckingbelievable the amount of shit that Capcom has shown before this game has officially released in the states.
          Yeah, I mean fuck the rest of the world. They can HAVE all the spoilers.
          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 03-10-2009, 06:11 PM.
          See you in hell.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
            Yeah, I mean fuck the rest of the world. They can HAVE all the spoilers.
            I was referring to how the game is out already in Japan, but, lol. Looks like I forgot about Europe...again.

            You should be used to that by now.
            Last edited by Vector; 03-10-2009, 06:52 PM.


            • #21
              Wow, I really liked this last episode, although I feel like Chris' revelation that he can "get over" past memories simply by building new ones is a little... sudden. I'm glad Sheva made another appearance though, and I like the idea they will continue to work together. I'm also impressed that they finally showed the Masked Woman as a part of Chris' flashbacks. Showing him battle all the monsters and shizzle was great and all, but it's obvious to anyone that Chris is far more traumatized by aspects of his mission that go far beyond running around shooting red barrels and dodging bullets.

              Also... regarding the enemy that they showed during the footage... Well, needless to say, it made me beyond happy. I'm so ecstatic for this game, I truly, truly am! Just two more days! TWO MORE DAYS. Gah.


              • #22
                Sheva's actress did not do a very good job of... saying the one line she had to say xD

                And I reeeeally don't think these are canon, taking the actual game into consideration.

                I still think they're just to emphasize the whole "fear you can't forget, RAWR" tagline... again, taking the actual game into consideration.


                Chris is pretty though (although he lacks in actual Chris' buffness. It kinda threw me off when his shirt didn't fit like one from Baby GAP ).


                • #23
                  It was an ok video but with the game coming out in two days, its kinda pointless. And yea too much shit is being shown.


                  • #24
                    Not bad, doubt it's canon but who cares, this will still a well done viral marketing campaign on Capcom's behalf.
                    At the same time however, there were some fairly big spoilers in this, and I'm just gonna try and forget what I saw when it comes to the actual game footage.

                    On a positive note, the music at the end of the video was awesome.


                    • #25
                      First vid: awesome. Second: shit Third: Meh...not as crappy as the second. Fourth: approaching the level of the second. Last: Not terrible...but not good either.

                      Capcom doesn't care any more. The game has been leaked, its already out in Japan, and the more hype the drum up, the better.
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • #26
                        I don't think Capcom has shown too much. I mean, you have so many media outlets revealing a ton of material, then you expectedly have pirates release the damn game early. With the advent of the internet, information is readily available. I bet the whole damn game is on YouTube.

                        Capcom is doing what they can to maintain hype. That's all.

                        As for these viral vids - they're garbage. Honestly. Chris is nutcase but Sheva is fine? And why would an African BSAA agent be the new partner of a North American BSAA agent? Did Chris stay in Africa? Did Sheva move to America? Am I to believe that the 2 developed some deep bond over the course of a few days? Is the 35 year old Chris hooking up with the 23 year old Sheva? Will Chris lose his security deposit because he wrote "Kijuju" all over his flat? Did the self-inflicted wounds Chris carved into his arms on the bridge heal already?

                        I think these viral vids are on par with RE4's plot. Complete doo-doo.


                        • #27
                          dang, i didnt know there would be a spoiler either...watched it before reading this thread, i thought the typewriter was hilarious and it looked like he was growing herbs.

                          the music at the end reminds me of the first movie, right?


                          • #28
                            posted by chrisredfield29

                            Wow. Really fucking wish I didn't just watch that. Son...of...a...bitch.
                            i know huh!! its a good thing i got out 15 secands of the video. man that was a close one...


                            • #29
                              fuck me...I didn't want to see that..


                              • #30
                                I loved this video so much. Though I can't tell if he'd trying to drown himself or had some kind of crazy blackout, there.

                                I loved the ending though. I like how it shows that Chris is going to keep fighting as long as there's that battle to be fought. Though I can't imagine his mental state getting better on the crazy viral-infected level if he goes into action to even more crazy viral-infected places.

