This spring, the Biohazard Degeneration-based cellphone game that hit other Japanese cellphone games as well as the N-Gage is receiving an iPhone (and by extension, iPod touch) port. The iPhone version will of course be controlled by the touch screen. The screenshots shown in a free mini magazine called Famitsu iPhone show an analog stick overlayed onto the lower left hand of the touch screen, with other context-sensitive buttons on the right side. While being based on the movie, there are original parts in the game as well. One of the screenshots shows Leon battling a mutated Mr. X.
No price or release date has been decided, but it should be around the spring time for a reasonably low price. The game will be available for purchase on the Japanese App Store. It should be noted that Degeneration (the movie) has been available for purchase or rent on the iTunes Movie Store in the U.S. for several months now, as well.