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Dead Rising 2 Will Have Multiplayer, 6000 Zombies On Screen

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  • Dead Rising 2 Will Have Multiplayer, 6000 Zombies On Screen

    IGN have put up a small article from the Blue Castle studio GDC Panel. There wasn't any details about the story or plot of the game. However the guys talked a little bit about the technology for the game. Claiming that the game will have as many as 800 separate kind of clothing textures and as many as 6000 characters on screen at once, and have multiplayer.

    No details were given on how the multiplayer would work.

    Dead Rising 2 Multiplayer Confirmed

  • #2

    i love deadrising!


    • #3
      I remember someone saying what else can Dead Rising do, really. Apparently what else Dead Rising can do is massively gang rape you to death with six thousand zombies at a time.



      • #4
        Whiskey,Echo,Romeo,Echo,Alpha,Romeo,Echo,Alpha,Lim a,Lima,Foxtrot,Uniform,Charlie,Kilo,Echo,Delta.
        on a more serious note,atleast it has multiplayer right? so we WILL have a LITTLE help to prolong the gang rape
        Last edited by adamb1029; 03-28-2009, 05:16 AM.


        • #5
          I love the dead rising game : D
          But i doubt it could have 6000 zombies on screen with out some major lag, especialy on x box. Remember the fight against Brock? it could only just handle that number of zombies, it started lagging a bit.


          • #6
            if anything it will lag on both systems. plus i notice a LOT that a lot of PS3 fanboys on the web always said that they think dead rising sucks and it is a waste of money but now since its coming out for the PS3 also, those same fanboys are now saying " Oh this game is going to rock big time". What the HELL?! Something is wrong here.


            • #7
              Is this game still using MT Framework? I heard there was hardly any English documentation available so I am doubting it, but the screens look fairly similar to other titles.


              • #8
                thats bullshit hellrizer just becuse it was for xbox before that dosent mean us with ps3 is saying its crap ;)


                • #9
                  MT framework seems to do a little better on xbox360...
                  Or that's what I noticed in resident evil 5...


                  • #10
                    well this is just what i have seen in websites like gamespot, ign, 1up, ect. anyway i know what you are saying and i understand it but those PS3 fanboys should not be saying stuff like that i mean i love the xbox 360 more than the PS3 but you dont see me going around talking shit about God of war or killzone 2 which i think its a masterpiece plus God of war ( i have all the god of wars plus the psp chain of olimpics). Thats why i saved money to buy every system. all i need now is a nitendo DS. I didnt mean be agressive about it but i think that those fanboys should try it before saying crap like that.


                    • #11
                      It was quite hysterical seeing PS3 fanboys back pedal when BioShock got ported.


                      • #12
                        True but who can blame them? Bioshock was a great game haha!! im saving money right now to buy part 2. I wonder what gamestop will give you if you reserve the game? Maybe a Big sister action figure.


                        • #13
                          I'm happy because we'll get a PC version too


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by doomed View Post
                            I'm happy because we'll get a PC version too
                            ain't that the truth.


                            • #15
                              If you get a DS, play residnet evil deadly silence.
                              It's a masterpiece...

                              EDIT: I'm no fanboy for anything , it's just what I noticed... differences only noticeable for hardcore gamers like us
                              Last edited by Neoblast; 03-28-2009, 08:06 AM.

