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Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (Wii, and possibly PSP) Announced

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  • #31
    I feel iffy about this game. I don't like what they did to Cybil, she looks so freaking ugly now. Why try and change the past and undo the sequels. Do they plan on remaking part 3 as well now that they are changing everything up?

    Why didn't they just make a new game?

    I will say there are parts that are very interesting to me though.


    • #32
      In a nutshell: They're taking the horror from Silent Hill and combining it with the thriller aspects of Clock Tower. The removal of the combat system confirms this as in Clock Tower, your best bet for survival is to run and hide.

      I like it


      • #33
        Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
        In a nutshell: They're taking the horror from Silent Hill and combining it with the thriller aspects of Clock Tower. The removal of the combat system confirms this as in Clock Tower, your best bet for survival is to run and hide.

        I like it
        Well, thats not actually true. In all the Clock Tower's and its spiritual successor Haunting Ground, you could fight back. Clock Tower had objects you could use to pummel and stop your attacker. Haunting Ground also added the ability to let you use Fiona's dog Hewie as well as let her tackle and kick the enemy. Then you could also make tiny bombs that you could throw or place on the ground; you could also make enchanted equipment like earrings that make you invisible when you stand still or boots that let you run without getting tired.

        They way they described it for SH, was that you run and barricade yourself in a room and hope that they monsters can't get in. I can't really see this working out too well. In my opinion, I can't take a game serious with a guy running in fear from monsters and not trying to fight back at all. I can usually only see it working with a female character and even then they still have some way to defend themselves.


        • #34
          They said that same barricade system when Origins was announced.


          • #35
            Originally posted by atlier00 View Post
            Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
            In a nutshell: They're taking the horror from Silent Hill and combining it with the thriller aspects of Clock Tower. The removal of the combat system confirms this as in Clock Tower, your best bet for survival is to run and hide.

            I like it
            Well, thats not actually true. In all the Clock Tower's and its spiritual successor Haunting Ground, you could fight back. Clock Tower had objects you could use to pummel and stop your attacker. Haunting Ground also added the ability to let you use Fiona's dog Hewie as well as let her tackle and kick the enemy. Then you could also make tiny bombs that you could throw or place on the ground; you could also make enchanted equipment like earrings that make you invisible when you stand still or boots that let you run without getting tired.

            They way they described it for SH, was that you run and barricade yourself in a room and hope that they monsters can't get in. I can't really see this working out too well. In my opinion, I can't take a game serious with a guy running in fear from monsters and not trying to fight back at all. I can usually only see it working with a female character and even then they still have some way to defend themselves.

            Go play the first Clock Tower on SNES (fan-translation available by AGTP if you don't speak Japanese), it's also available on PS1 in Japan under the name of "The First Fear". Only "fight back" you did there was when you went face to face with the Scissor Man, and that usually came at a price.

            Originally posted by Gradon View Post
            They said that same barricade system when Origins was announced.
            They did? And for which version? Remember that Origins had a near complete redesign before release (and probably a lot of minor/major other changes along the path)


            • #36
              Originally posted by atlier00 View Post
              Well, thats not actually true. In all the Clock Tower's and its spiritual successor Haunting Ground, you could fight back. Clock Tower had objects you could use to pummel and stop your attacker. Haunting Ground also added the ability to let you use Fiona's dog Hewie as well as let her tackle and kick the enemy. Then you could also make tiny bombs that you could throw or place on the ground; you could also make enchanted equipment like earrings that make you invisible when you stand still or boots that let you run without getting tired.

              They way they described it for SH, was that you run and barricade yourself in a room and hope that they monsters can't get in. I can't really see this working out too well. In my opinion, I can't take a game serious with a guy running in fear from monsters and not trying to fight back at all. I can usually only see it working with a female character and even then they still have some way to defend themselves.
              Well, I imagine they’ll have a cut scene pretty early in the game showing that Harry tried to attack, but that it was fruitless. Let’s face it, when you see a situation, you make an assessment and you decide one of two things; stay and fight or bail the fuck out. It seems only fitting that if Harry was trying to escape, he’d block the route he had taken.

              Also, Shattered Memories is not probably not planning on removing boss encounters. They're a pretty big part of Silent Hill games, as they are usually about the character overcoming some psychological hurdle.

              If they are kept, then the player needs a system to fight back. I doubt Climax is going to have us fleeing from the moth for twenty minutes, or just bailing out from split-head in the school. Carnivol was asking in one of these new Silent Hill threads ('cause this is one of like twenty) about whether they would present the fights as QTE.

              I'd guess that it'll be something environmental, like an elaborate puzzle including hitting a switch at point A to activate something at point B which will trap the boss, so you can hit a switch for something at point C to fall and hit the boss. Something like that. Now you can see why I’m not a level/boss encounter designer for games.

              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              They did? And for which version? Remember that Origins had a near complete redesign before release (and probably a lot of minor/major other changes along the path)
              The over-the-shoulder version of Origins that was shown before the complete rework of the game had this feature. There are a few videos of this version demonstrating how the system worked. I would link videos, but I am not in the linking position (In other words, I’m in my own personal otherworld, the one they call “work”).


              • #37
                Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                I'd guess that it'll be something environmental, like an elaborate puzzle including hitting a switch at point A to activate something at point B which will trap the boss, so you can hit a switch for something at point C to fall and hit the boss. Something like that. Now you can see why I’m not a level/boss encounter designer for games.
                This was actually a thought of mine, the means of using enviromental equipment to kill bosses.
                Though, the bosses would have to be original, all of them.
                What about Cybils boss? I don't see how that can work at all...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by randomwab View Post

                  The over-the-shoulder version of Origins that was shown before the complete rework of the game had this feature. There are a few videos of this version demonstrating how the system worked. I would link videos, but I am not in the linking position (In other words, I’m in my own personal otherworld, the one they call “work”).
                  Hare ya ghow.... hares th' vidz ofz itz. This one was from Leipzig.

                  They mention the barricade system in this article at IGN from E3 06.

                  Last edited by Rombie; 04-06-2009, 08:38 AM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    Go play the first Clock Tower on SNES (fan-translation available by AGTP if you don't speak Japanese), it's also available on PS1 in Japan under the name of "The First Fear". Only "fight back" you did there was when you went face to face with the Scissor Man, and that usually came at a price.

                    I did play it, played them all actually, and like I said you could still dispatch bobby in certain situations at least for awhile. The description from the magazine however made it sound like there would be no way to fight back at all and its just run run run.

