Games Radar have asked Chris Kramer for the real reason the title of the game was changed from Biohazard to Resident Evil. Although the reasons for this aren't exactly news to long time fans and members of the community, or to those who've done their ABC, it's always nice to get a public official reminder from Capcom themselves on the subject.
Originally posted by Chris Kramer, Sr. Director of Communications and Community at Capcom US
Chris Kramer on Resident Evil Title Change
In other news, Capcom VP Christian Svensson has once more spoken out about the subject about whether or not the Resident Evil 5 Versus DLC download is new code or just an unlock key for code already on the disc.
Originally posted by Chris Svensson
Capcom Claim DLC Not Just Unlock Key
To some it may seem worth noting that the PS3 version probably introduced the Versus code in its 1.02 update patch. If this is the case, this may have been done as an effort to minimize expenses.