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Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles Trailer

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  • #46
    Originally posted by L-e-W View Post
    - Mercier and Court coming back for their respective roles again
    - Great graphics for a Wii game
    - Awesome music
    - Voice acting that doesn't completely suck
    - Delicious Ada and Claire
    - G-Monster boss fight
    - Motherlovin' T-103 (!!!)
    - Marvin and Birkin

    Yep. The RE 2 sections ALONE are going to be awesome. But I can't help but think the bit with the zombies coming out of the ground MIGHT be from the C:V section. We'll probably know later this year.

    Either way, I'm sold.
    me too also its nice to see a fellow kamen rider fan


    • #47
      • Classic RPD look not ripped from outbreak
      • Classic Lickers not Ripped from Outbreak
      • Decent Voice Acting
      • More content from the original game
      • Better Graphics

      I'm actually really excited about this game, all they need to do is remove the grenades from UC.


      • #48
        The outbreak lickers come from the "Survivor-explination" line of Licker creation which is that that they're caused by a human being mutated into the form after a double dosing of T-Virus; so they slowly mutate from a human form through the one seen in Outbreak to the final form seen in in the later stages of RE2 (well assuming that is the final form - it probably isn't). So the ones in Outbreak are intended to be early because the scenarios are generally planned to supposed to take place earlier in the Raccoon City event and so they haven't fully developed.

        Visually it looks good... detailed models and full of nostalgic points, but I'm kinda thinking I'd rather have had a RE2make than this. I just wasn't a huge fan of Umbrella Chronicles.


        • #49
          I hated UC, but this one seems to be one long scenario and has a movie like look to it. Although I do wish it was third person, I am content with the game. If reviews are good enough along with the Silent Hill Remake, and some other games, I may go out and buy a Wii. If they add ever re-decide on Fatal Frame 4 being released in the US, I'd definitely get one, no question.


          • #50
            Leon screamed when he saw the spiders. Screamed.
            This is not super-Leon anymore, they actually reverted him back to how he was. With a vengeance =D


            • #51
              Originally posted by A-J View Post
              wii motion plus bitches !

              Anyway, the trailer is so nice that I wished it was a remake of RE2..

              and I laugh when Claire saw Sherry "Is that a girl?!", why is she not sure that Sherry is a girl? haha.
              Last edited by Ryler; 04-28-2009, 08:45 PM.


              • #52
                It's great to see that the Lickers are the RE2 variant again. Game looks awesome, but I do fear it will be over-hyped and may just be another UC. I pray not!

                William FTW!!

                Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2009, 09:03 PM.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • #53
                  Awwwwww, SNAP bitches! BUY.


                  • #54
                    That 2.4 seconds of Birkin in the trailer was absolute WIN. He looks so perfect and so true to his original appearance in RE2. Gah! Sherry looked adorable running, which made me squee a little, and the voice acting was just glorious. Alyson Court... GOD, I love her.

                    I love the sense of fear in the trailer. It's amazing. Leon and Claire sound truly distressed over everything when seeing the carnage and gore around the police station. A wonderful sentiment to humanity right there. I'm so excited for this game right now. I really hope we only continue to see good things.


                    • #55
                      I really, really like what we've seen of the T-103 and Birkin so far. The Alligator looks amazing, and they faithfully recreated the Lickers. Thank god they ditched the pussy ones from Outbreak/Umbrella Chronicles.
                      This. >_>


                      • #56
                        zombie arms reaching for you in the hall. Yessssss!!!


                        • #57
                          Wow. Like other's said. It's just like RE2. It seems so faithful from what we see.

                          Are you guys sure that it's Sally Cahill? I love her and would be really happy if she returned as Ada again.

                          Alyson Court is just awesome as Claire. She's really improved so much from the early RE games.


                          • #58
                            I'm really looking forward to this game as RE 2 in my fav and would love to see what they have done with it. I just hope they don't do what they did with 5 and release to many trailers. Something tells me they won't cause the game should be out by the end of the year. And for some reason I want to be able to play with a friend online even though I haven't hooked my Wii up to the internet.


                            • #59
                              Hopefully this game will bring Claire back into the spotlight.


                              • #60
                                Im liking what i've seen so far, looks like they've made alot of improvements over the original, the RE2 scenario looks good but truthfully im more interested in the changes they'll make to RE:CV's scenario, especially the abomination that is Steve.
                                It'd be nice if there was some kind of Puzzle solving in the levels too especially with what you can do with the Wii remote nowadays in other games.

                                But alas, theres always some who can't help but be negative about it.
                                *Wishes he could line up Negative THIA members who dream of nothing more then things to go back to RE1 standard and rocket punch them, no offense.*

