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Gamespot Video Interview - Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

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  • Gamespot Video Interview - Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

    Gamespot has posted an exclusive video interview with producer Masachika Kawata and Cavia producer Kentaro Noguchi. They discuss many of the same topics as they did in the Kotaku interview, most notably the drive to bring back a sense of fear to the series.

    They also mention that they hope to have the game out before the end of this year and to expect more information at E3.

    Head on over to Gamespot to watch the interview.


    Gamespot has posted its own preview for Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, and it reveals a few tidbits that were not present in other previews:

    One nice bit for fans is that the team actively sought out the original voice actors to voice the characters and was able to get the voice actors for Leon, Claire, and Ada. Unfortunately, the actress used for Sherry Birkin no longer sounded like the character, so another voice actress was used.
    Finally, on the subject of online multiplayer, Kawata stated that it had been considered for the game, but the feature was nixed because of the technical hurdle of overall game performance when playing online. He did state that there will be some kind of online feature in the game, but he didn't elaborate.
    To read the full article, head on over to Gamespot.

    Last edited by Archelon; 04-28-2009, 07:30 PM.

  • #2
    It's good that their "key point" is atmosphere and a sense of unease.

    From this Umbrella Chronicles interview ( you can see that horror is peripheral and their priorities were A. Compatibility with the Wiil; B. An easier difficulty; and C. Resolving the Umbrella plot. Effect seems to be the predominate interest with DSC.


    • #3


      • #4
        One nice bit for fans is that the team actively sought out the original voice actors to voice the characters and was able to get the voice actors for Leon, Claire, and Ada. Unfortunately, the actress used for Sherry Birkin no longer sounded like the character, so another voice actress was used.
        This. Is. Amazing.

        Thank you, Capcom, for understanding just how far familiarity in voice actors extends the quality of the game. THANK YOU. *bows head*

        I'm disappointed about Sherry's actress, though. I mean, she certainly didn't give an Oscar-worthy performance in RE2 or anything, but she wasn't terrible, and it actually would've been very cool if she had returned! I just hope her new VA sounds similar.


        • #5
          So they dropped Mercier and got Haddad back? If so thats... an fairly interesting choice given how many times Mercier has now done Leon's voice.


          • #6
            no, I think its still paul mercier's voice.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rombie View Post
              So they dropped Mercier and got Haddad back? If so thats... an fairly interesting choice given how many times Mercier has now done Leon's voice.
              Nah, pretty sure it's Mercier doing the voice, along with Allyson doing Claire's, and whoever the voice actor for Ada was in RE4 or UC unless its the one from RE2. (Not exactly sure who voiced ada for each game, did she have the same voice actor for more than one game?)

              Pretty cool though, nice to hear that the voice actors are back and that they're trying to bring back horror.
              Last edited by Spera01; 04-28-2009, 10:04 PM.


              • #8
                yes, Ada's VA was Sally Cahill in both RE2 and RE4 but for UC they changed her VA, that's why I was shocked to learn of Capcom actually going the extra distance to get the original VA because of UC and all.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Holly18 View Post
                  yes, Ada's VA was Sally Cahill in both RE2 and RE4 but for UC they changed her VA, that's why I was shocked to learn of Capcom actually going the extra distance to get the original VA because of UC and all.
                  Wow, that's actually pretty cool then, Capcom seems to be really outdoing themselves with this, hope they keep up the good work!


                  • #10
                    O. M. G........ *drools*


                    • #11
                      Now let's get Roger Honeywell on the phone and speak to him about a lucrative business deal involving him being busy and shouting at zombies to get out of his way.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #12
                        Is that REALLY Sally Cahill? Because, well, it doesn't quite sound like her. =/ or do they mean the original UC actress? >_>


                        • #13
                          Maybe Death's Door will reappear in this game and Sally Cahill can revoice those parts to make it complete.

                          I wonder if they'll bring back Annette as well, whose voice was pretty memorable as well. Would love to see Chief Irons return too.


                          • #14
                            Leon has his silly 'bandage' outside RPD armor plate in one of the screenshots. In RE2, he bandaged up after sustaining a gunshot wound from Annette, thus there's a very high chance that she'll appear and shoot Leon in this game just like in RE2


                            • #15
                              well good to see ada still doesn't know how to tie a bandage even after 10 years

