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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - "Journey Begins" Trailer

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
    I've heard there was going to be a chapter for Sherry somewhere...

    No Jill chapter ¬¬
    First of all, the Sherry chapter/s was from a made up list posted by someone on gamefaqs.

    Second of all, Jill has just been in two consecutive games. It's okay for her not to be in every Resident Evil game ever.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
      Second of all, Jill has just been in two consecutive games. It's okay for her not to be in every Resident Evil game ever.

      I agree with this


      • #33
        I'm guessing this is just a small part of what we be seen on the 3rd. I like the idea of playing CV without the back tracking.


        • #34
          d00t, wtf did they do to Steve?! Wow... His model looks awful. I mean, it honestly looks 100% reused from Leon. The hair, the facial structure, the body--it's all Leon. WHY? I'm really disappointed by how he looks. I'm not opposed to revamping a character's design, but why did they recycle almost everything from Leon? Sweet lord, that's lame.

          I miss Steve's Canadian accent, haha.

          But, otherwise, everything looks fucking amazing. God, the environments just look beautiful. I'm certain that blonde woman is Alexia, and I must say, she looks absolutely beautiful. A total revision for her character that looks stunning. Wow, they really went all out with her. Shame they couldn't do the same for Steve. I'm crossing my fingers they'll at least do Alfred right.

          Hearing the classic CODE: Veronica music made me feel so happy. God, I love CVX. <33


          • #35
            Indeed an amazing teaser trailer, hopefully the one from June 3rd will be a different one!

            About Steve: is not surprising he resembles Leon, Steve was originally supossed to be Leon in Code Veronica and his old model also resembles RE2 Leon.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              First of all, the Sherry chapter/s was from a made up list posted by someone on gamefaqs.

              Second of all, Jill has just been in two consecutive games. It's okay for her not to be in every Resident Evil game ever.

              Lol, what about Chris? It's the same. So that argument is invalid.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                Lol, what about Chris? It's the same. So that argument is invalid.
                No, it's not. Chris was in CODE: Veronica. Jill was in neither 2 nor CODE: Veronica.

                Try again.


                • #38
                  I think you got it all wrong.. I didn't mean Jill to be in CV, don't be ridiculous.
                  I meant a NEW chapter involving the events of the Spencer Mansion.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                    I think you got it all wrong.. I didn't mean Jill to be in CV, don't be ridiculous.
                    I meant a NEW chapter involving the events of the Spencer Mansion.

                    how do we know that Chris is in the CV chapter? i mean Nicholai is a pretty big role in RE3 but he isnt even mentioned in the RE3 scenario in UC


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                      I think you got it all wrong.. I didn't mean Jill to be in CV, don't be ridiculous.
                      I meant a NEW chapter involving the events of the Spencer Mansion.
                      I knew exactly what you meant.

                      What's ridiculous is using Chris as an example to counter my argument when he starred in one of the games DSC covers. I wasn't saying there should be a Spencer Estate chapter with only Chris in it. If I was, then you'd have a stronger argument.


                      • #41

                        Jill won't (and SHOULDN'T) be included in Darkside Chronicles. DSC obviously focuses on the other side of the Resident Evil series, the part Umbrella Chronicles didn't explore: the Leon/Claire storylines. Chris is included in DSC because he has ties to CVX and Claire. Jill doesn't. The end.


                        • #42
                          I'll ask you this to make things simpler... if Chris was in two consecutives games aswell, and you said Chris is part of CV... why these two reasons are enough for you to make you certain that Jill or any other character has LESS chances of getting their new chapter?. Anyway, I'm honestly hoping Sherry to lead whatever RE6 turns out to be.


                          • #43
                            Is Steve's voice Sam Regal or Michael Sinterniklass (Josh from Obscure)

                            Steve doesn't look 17 at all buuu

                            Does he have a tattoo now O.o;
                            Last edited by Kei_M; 05-28-2009, 10:27 PM.


                            • #44
                              I never said she had less of a chance of being in this game. My point was that she's already been in two consecutive games, so Capcom can let her take a break for awhile, and the only reason Chris is in DSC is because he was in CV. If he wasn't in CV, and someone said they wanted him to be in DSC regardless, I would say the same thing.


                              • #45
                                I agree. It is just my wishful thinking... I guess. We don't know yet what DSC is going to be like and like I said before, I'm hoping Sherry to turn into the focus of the series.
                                Last edited by Jill Lover; 05-28-2009, 10:15 PM.

