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The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog - "The Gap between two Claires"

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  • The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog - "The Gap between two Claires"

    Darkside Chronicles's blog got yet another new entry, this time talking about the two sides of Claire's character. They also showcased 2 pictures of Claire: one of Shigechiyo’s Design and an in-game 3d model of Claire.

    The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog

  • #2
    We really paid attention to detail, right down to how much midriff to have her show, and the size of her butt.


    • #3
      Her new facial model is quite alluring...but seeing her outfit in high res poly just makes it all the more ridiculous.

      Are any people here up in arms over the drastic overhaul of the RE2 story? I guess it can't be any worse than Chris & Jill tackling the mansion together in REUC, but it almost feels like sacrilege. I guess $$$ beats out nostalgia...


      • #4
        Yeah, Claire's definitely got a phat little ass -- nothing as ridiculous as Jill's in RE5, but still...wah-bam. Om nom nom.


        • #5
          I'm still not sure I agree with Claire's outfit change, though. I mean, my first impressions of it were very positive, but I don't understand how they can justify the original outfit being stale and "more than 10 years old" when they didn't bother to update Sherry's attire, which, in my opinion, looks FAR MORE outdated than Claire's would've looked now. I guess there's no point in complaining, though. Claire still looks fantastic, and I like that they provided a neat little sketch and render for us to look at.


          • #6
            Well, for Sherry, it's not even that it looks outdated, but what American schoolgirl wears that outfit? I thought that's a Japanese mainstay.

            I noticed Claire's black undershorts are back, the lack of which people were complaining about a little bit when the first trailer came around.


            • #7
              I just hope they put the same amount of thought into everyones' asses, because that's just not fair.

              All in all, middrift aside since I really see no reason to have added it other than ~sexiness~, I really like her new design overall.


              • #8
                I must say I've never understood the attraction to the buttocks. There are certain biological functions that take place there that sort of detract from its appeal.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  I must say I've never understood the attraction to the buttocks. There are certain biological functions that take place there that sort of detract from its appeal.
                  Myself being a big fan of the butt should mention thats it just a nice thing to look at and also a good think to grab and slap. Plus girls notice when you look at there tits but not so much their ass.

                  Anway I guess it makes sense to update Claire since they did it to Ada. Don't think its needed but video games have been sexing up their characters for a while.
                  Last edited by Stars1356; 05-29-2009, 06:17 PM.


                  • #10
                    She showed her stomach in CV. Not really sure what the big deal is about her showing it in RE2 now. It's not like she was significantly older in CV.


                    • #11
                      I always found Claire's outfit really...ugly, to be honest. I hate when people match the color of their shirt with the color of their pants, it makes me cringe. When she gave her jacket to Sherry I--- Omg, Sherry's gonna be wearing that awesome jacket!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
                        Myself being a big fan of the butt should mention thats it just a nice thing to look at and also a good think to grab and slap. Plus girls notice when you look at there tits but not some much their ass.
                        Funniest post I've read in a long time...honestly. We should talk.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
                          Myself being a big fan of the butt should mention thats it just a nice thing to look at and also a good think to grab and slap. Plus girls notice when you look at there tits but not so much their ass.
                          Fellas (yeah), fellas (yeah)
                          Has your girlfriend got the butt (hell yeah)
                          Well shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake that healthy butt
                          Baby got back

                          I was claming for a change of outfit for Sherry . I always loved more the sketches of her character than the final design, the one of her chewing gum has been always my favourite.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ridley W. Hayes View Post
                            I was claming for a change of outfit for Sherry . I always loved more the sketches of her character than the final design, the one of her chewing gum has been always my favourite.
                            Me, too! Oh, my god, that outfit is so cute. It's a shame they didn't choose that one for RE2 way back in the day. I always thought the backpack and the hat were nice touches, because it made her look far more like the average civilian.


                            • #15
                              I love concept sketches. It's a shame they don't always make it into a game, even if it's something like an alternate costume or something you can unlock later.

