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Technical Details of Biohazard 5

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  • Technical Details of Biohazard 5

    Osamu Nishikawa 3D game graphic lecture for Biohazard 5 article just got uploaded. The article itself is in Japanese though, but it gives a good insight on the technical details of the game, such as the game running in a resolution of 1,280×720 at 30 fps. If you are interested in the 3d modelling, the game engine and the animation of the game, you might want to check out the link for the pictures and the short videos.

    Game Watch

  • #2
    That was really neat, thanks for sharing this.


    • #3
      prime blue where art thou !


      • #4
        Capcom has so much potential. Are they ever going to give us a new old-school Resident Evil game?
        My YouTube Channel -
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        • #5
          The facial expressions on Chris made me lol.


          • #6
            Seeing what they did with the lighting just makes me wish even more that they had kept the light/darkness gameplay mechanic.

            Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
            Capcom has so much potential. Are they ever going to give us a new old-school Resident Evil game?
            Considering RE5 has already sold almost 5 million copies, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
            Last edited by Archelon; 05-29-2009, 04:27 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Archelon View Post
              Seeing what they did with the lighting just makes me wish even more that they had kept the light/darkness gameplay mechanic.
              I agree, and after playing through RE4 again I find that it's the darker atmosphere of the game that makes it creepier for me. I know they wanted to prove they could make daylight scary, but it just didn't have the same effect.


              • #8
                Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                The facial expressions on Chris made me lol.
                Yeah, that was really funny. When he had the shaved head/short hair in the face model, he looks very similar to his REMAKE design. Now I see that they did keep him more consistent than I thought. That pic with him and his open mouth is sexy... the tongue made me feel aroused.
                Last edited by djepic112; 05-29-2009, 10:11 PM.


                • #9
                  This was actually pretty interesting. I'm glad I checked out the link. A lot of nice pictures they provided, and the videos were very interesting as well, especially the motion capture one. Neat stuff.


                  • #10
                    Wow, great article! Not that I could read it, but I assure it's good! I love these development/graphics pictures and movies. Makes me more motivated in my 3ds Max class = )


                    • #11

                      That is badass looking.


                      • #12
                        That was so awesome. ♥ I loved the facial expressions.


                        • #13
                          Very impressive, like to see what the PC version will look like.


                          • #14
                            I wish someone would translate the text to english, but even images and movies were very interesing... especially the Chris' face animations ;D

